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Scenes from the University of Rhode Island

Step 2: Downloading the Template Files

Now that both LATEX and an appropriate editor are available, you will need the files that are specific to the University of Rhode Island thesis/dissertation format.

Download the template

Download the archive, then extract it somewhere on your system.

What the Template Consists of

The template contains eight files. Four of these files are style files which define the structure of the thesis and ensure that it conforms to the Graduate School's Guidelines for the Format of Theses and Dissertations. These files are:

  • urithesis.cls - the main LaTeX class
  • uribib.bst - the style for the bibliography
  • uriref.bst - the style for the list of references in IEEE format, like [3]
  • uriapa.bst - the style for the list of references in APA format, like (Toolan, 2006)

In general, these style files should never need to be modified, they just need to be in the same directory as your main .tex file.

The template also contains four example files to get you started. These files are:

You will need to edit these files while writing your thesis, and add some additional files as well, but in their current form they will produce this thesis.

Getting Started

  1. Introduction
  2. Install LATEX and an Editor
  3. Get the Template Files
  4. Setup BIBTEX Wrapper
  5. Verify the Setup
  6. Initial Configuration

Template Reference

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