Now that you have LATEX , an appropriate editor, and the template files, we will now verify that you have a functioning setup. The way we will verify the setup is to have you generate the thesis from the example files included in the template files.
You should not go any further in this guide until you confirm that your setup is correct.
If the document generated using the unmodified template files looks like this this, you are done. Check the following list to make sure your generated thesis is correct.
Throughout this guide, will assume that you are using PDFLATEX to generate your thesis. To make sure this is the case, in Texmaker:
In Texmaker open the file thesis.tex
Under the Options menu select Define Current Document as 'Master Document'. This will allow you to click on the different build icons on the toolbar no matter which file you are editing.
The steps to generate the thesis are:
and you should see this document.
The first time you run PDFLATEX, it generates .aux files which contain the information needed to create the bibliography and lists of references, as well as information needed to create the table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables. It also creates the script genbib.txt, which is used to run BIBTEX on all of the necessary .aux files to create .bbl files, which are the actual bibliography and lists of references. Finally, PDFLATEX is run two more times, the first time includes the bibliography and lists of references, and the second time resolves bibliographic citations to their entry in the list of references.