John DiCecco Courses Taught
Courses Taught BME 464/ELE 564 Biomedical Imaging

Thursdays at 5PM in Kelly 216, URI Kingston Campus.


BME 465/ELE 565 Biomedical Imaging Laboratory

Wednesdays 5PM in ECC 203C, URI Kingston Campus


ELE 491  GUI Based Image Processing Algorithms

Image processing algorithms implemented with C++ using wxWindows, a cross-platform graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit; algorithms including linear spatial filters, morphological filters, edge detection, area measurement, matched filters and 2D Fourier transform.

2007 - Summer Session 1, MW 6-9:45PM, Kelley 216, Kingston Campus.  Course flyer syllabus (pdf).

New Downloads:  Project (For MingW Developer Studio)

We will continue to add features and function to this template throughout the course.  The original image will be displayed on the left and the processed image will be displayed on the right.

Contact Info

John DiCecco
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Program             Phone: 401-874-5870
University of Rhode Island                     Fax: 401-782-6422
4 East Alumni Avenue                           E-mail:
Kingston, RI 02881, USA

Office:  K-207, Kelley Building

ELE 342/343  Electronics 1 and 2

ELE 488/588  Biomedical Engineering 1

ELE 489/589  Biomedical Engineering 2