UnixWorld Online: Tutorial: Article No. 009

The vi/ex Editor, Part 5: Take Control of Your Editing Environment

By Walter Alan Zintz.

Besides all the power in the Vi/Ex editor, there's a lot of flexibility in it, too. You've already met some of this adaptability when I pointed out various ways to perform many editing functions. Now it's time to meet phase two of editor flexibility -- the myriad ways to modify the editor's internal operations.

There's no ``setup mode'' for changing these parameters. Instead, all the changes are made with line-mode commands, which can be interspersed with ordinary editing commands. That is, you give the commands from the prompt, as usual, if you are editing in line mode. When you are editing in visual (or screen) mode, precede these environment-modifying commands with a colon, as you would with any other line-mode commands you specify in visual mode.

These modifications take effect as soon as you give the commands. They stay in effect as long as you run the editor program. You can switch from editing one file to another -- as with any of the edit, next, rewind commands -- without affecting the editing environment you've set up. And, you can revoke or further modify any environmental changes you've made at any time, by using the same commands or variant forms of them.

Your environment setup does go away when you quit the editor altogether. The next time you invoke the editor you'll find that all the environment parameters have returned to their default values. (This can be a blessing in disguise, because there is no direct way to tell the editor to restore all parameters to default settings.)

When you've found a combination of settings you'd like to use again, there are ways to have these settings established automatically (or semi-automatically) whenever you invoke the editor. You can even have several of these preset environments -- which one is used will depend on the circumstances in which you invoke the editor. I'll explain how to automate the settings at the end of this tutorial.

The set Command

Most of your setup will be accomplished by a single command that controls around fifty editor variables that affect the editing environment. The set command, for which se is the shortest abbreviation, sets variables having three different types of values: string, numeric, and boolean. Consider the examples here:

set report=7
set term=vt100
set terse
set nomagic

Because the first two examples are assignments, they must specify either string or numeric values. The first is numeric; here, report=7 tells the editor to give you a report (warning message) whenever a command changes seven or more lines -- the default is five or more lines.

The second example assigns a string value; the numerals in it are regarded as merely characters by the editor. The term=vt100 directive tells the editor to address your terminal as though it were a DEC model VT100. (You specify one of the listed short names for the terminal -- obtained from the Termcap or Terminfo terminal-description systems -- as its string value.) The default for this variable is to use the terminal type from your log-in shell environment (the value assigned to your TERM variable), if available -- and if not available, then address your terminal as though it were a ``dumb'' terminal.

The last two examples (without equal signs) illustrate boolean variables, which can be either on (enabled) or off (disabled). You turn a boolean variable on just by giving its name after the set command. The first of these two boolean examples tells the editor to make any error messages very brief: cryptic to inexperienced users, but convenient for people who are quite familiar with the editor. The default for this variable is ``off'' or ``disabled'', which provides longer, more explanatory error messages.

To turn a boolean variable off, just give its name prefixed by the string ``no'' without any intervening space characters. The last of these examples turns off the special (``magic'') interpretation of several metacharacters, as discussed in an earlier part of this tutorial dealing with search patterns. The usual default for this variable's value is ``magic'', which means all metacharacters have their special interpretation -- but if you invoke the editor by the name edit or vedit, then ``nomagic'' is the default value (no special interpretation of these particular metacharacters).

There's no need to use several distinct set commands when you want to change a number of these variables. A single command can have almost any number of arguments. So all four of the example commands above could be replaced by this single command:

set report=7 term=vt100 terse nomagic

Variant forms of this command will tell you the present status of individual variables, all that have been changed, or all the variables. For instance, type ``set'' without any arguments to tell the editor to display a list of all the variables that have been changed from their default values, along with their current values.

Type ``set all'' to display all the variables and their values, whether changed from default or not. This is a good way to check which variables your version of the editor recognizes, and what their default values actually are -- some proprietary versions of the editor have played with both these factors.

If you want to check the values of only one or a few variables, you don't have to scan through a long list -- you can run a set command that will report the settings of only the variables you specify. For a boolean variable, just give the name of the variable, immediately followed by a question mark, as an argument to the command. For a string- or numeric-valued variable, you only need to specify the name itself, without the equal sign. Thus, typing:

set report magic?

will produce a response like this:

report=7 nomagic

If the details of checking individual variables seem too arcane to remember, the editor will cut you some slack: You may specify the name of a boolean variable in its ``no'' form, and you may give a non-boolean variable with an unneeded question mark at the end of it, and your query will still work. So typing:

set report? nomagic?

will produce the same result as the previous query did.

You can even mix option settings with inquiries in the same set command, in any order. For example, if you want to turn on number and set report to warn you whenever even three lines are changed, and also want to know what terminal type the editor thinks you are using and whether terse is on or off, any one of the following command lines will take care of it all:

set number report=3 term terse?
set term terse? number report=3
set term number terse? report=3

Below, I've listed some important editor variables that modify the visual display, with an explanation of each. If two names are specified, the first is the full name and the other is the shortest recognized abbreviation. The full name will appear in the lists displayed when you type ``set'' by itself or type ``set all''.

set Command Variables that Control How to Paint the Screen

number nu

You already know that the editor assigns a number to every line in your file, and changes line numbers every time you add or delete lines, in order to keep the numbers consecutive. The number boolean variable tells the editor to display those line numbers next to every file line that appears on the screen, in both screen and line-editing modes. You just have to turn it on; it's off by default. If you have a window that looks like this:

green     ground
white     neutral
black     hot
red       hot

turning on this variable will make it look something like this:

  159  green     ground
  160  white     neutral
  161  black     hot
  162  red       hot

The displayed numbers do not become part of the file, and nothing you can do, deliberate or accidental, will cause your editing to interact with the line numbers.


Turning on this off-by-default variable makes two changes in the way file lines are displayed on the screen, whether in line- or screen-editing mode:

  1. The end of each line is marked by a dollar sign. (This applies to actual line ends, not to places where the editor wraps a long line so it can all be displayed on the screen.)
  2. Every tab character is replaced by a circumflex-capital-I (``^I'') character sequence. (This means that columns that were kept in alignment by preceding tabs will not be displayed aligned with this variable enabled.)

Taking the same sample screen as in the previous example, when the list variable is on, the screen would look like this:


This variable affects display only, the contents of the file are not changed in any way. The list and number variables are compatible. Enabling them both would produce a display like this:

  159  green^Iground$
  160  white^Ineutral$
  161  black^Ihot$
  162  red^Ihot$


The numeric value of this variable tells the editor how many screen lines should be in the editing window (in screen-editing mode). The default is one less than the size of your screen or window. This variable's value cannot be changed while you are in screen-editing mode.


A numeric variable that sets the number of lines to be scrolled down by a control-D or up by a control-U command. The z command uses twice this count as the number of lines to display. Default value is half the size of the screen or window.

You can give a count prior to one of those scrolling commands, which will override the value of the scroll variable. For example, typing ``3control-D'' will scroll forward just three lines.

Caution: The editor will remember any count you give, and use that count -- instead of the value assigned to scroll -- with any future command you give without specifying a new count. Because the value of the scroll variable remains unchanged, even though it is no longer being used, the set command has no way to undo this new behavior. The only way to go back to using the value set for scroll is to look up that value -- type ``set scroll'' -- then use this value as a count preceding another of the commands that normally use the scroll variable.

Playing `` tag''

If your editing work requires jumping from place to place in numerous files, it would be convenient to index the places you visit most. The editor has a system for handling this. It's pretty simple, too; you set up one or more reference lists, then you can go to the place within the file that you want just by typing a few characters.

Caution: the ``tags'' system described below does not simply switch focus briefly to another file. It ends your editing of the current file, then loads the new file into the editor with the standard context changes, just as if you had given an edit command. As a consequence of this, the editor will normally refuse to execute a tag command when the file you are presently editing has changes which you have not yet written to permanent storage. If you choose to override this protection, give the command as tag! or ta! .

To use this system, you need to set up at least one ``tags'' file containing references to your file destinations. If programming is your work and you use C, C++, Pascal, FORTRAN, lex or yacc, the Unix ctags utility can set up a suitable ``tags'' file for you. If not, it isn't all that difficult to build such a file yourself.

Each line in a ``tags'' file is a complete reference to a place you might want to go. The line has five parts, which (reading from left to right) are:

  1. The short name you will use to refer to the particular file and the place in it. Don't start choosing names, though, until you've read the third way to invoke a tag, below.
  2. One tab character, as a separator. A space character will not do here.
  3. The name of the destination file. This can be a simple name, if the file is in your current directory, or a path name, if not.
  4. Another tab character. Again, a space character won't do.
  5. A line-mode search command that will find the place you want within the file. As you may have cleverly deduced, you can string multiple commands together here with the vertical-bar (``|'') character, and can use editing commands if you want the file pre-edited. Spaces and even tabs may appear in this string if needed; only the first two tabs in a line are interpreted as field separators.

If this file structure sounds a little complex, look at this short example of a ``tags'' file to see how things actually work out:

difid   ../math/calc    /^APPENDIX/;/^C. Differen
integ   ../math/calc    /^APPENDIX/;/^D. Integrals
log     /adm/err-log    1;?Err-7$
rvlog   /adm/err-log    g/^/m0|0;/Err-7$
vocab   %      /^GLOSSARY
words   %      /^GLOSSARY

The first line in the example above provides that using ``difid'' as a tag will take the user to edit a file named ``calc'', in a directory with relative path name ``../math''. (Note: that using this tag will not change the current directory of the user's shell; only the file being edited is changed.) Once that file has been loaded, the editor will seek out the first line that starts with ``APPENDIX'', and go from there to the next line that begins with ``C. Differen''.

Yes, you can specify different tags to enter the same file at different points. My second example line contains a tag that leads to a different place in the same file. After the editor has searched out the first line beginning ``APPENDIX'', as before, it goes on to a different section of the appendix.

You can even use multiple tags to enter the file at the same point, but with different preliminary editing. My ``log'' and ``rvlog'' tags go to the same file and the same line -- the most recently appended line that ends with ``Err-7''. The difference is that the ``rvlog'' tag first reverses the order of lines in the file. (Note that the search command for the two tags is different, because in the second case the line being sought has been moved to a different position in the file.)

And you can use a tag to move to a place in the file you are already editing. In the last two example lines I have used the percent sign (%) to indicate ``current file''; the pound-sign (#) for ``alternate file'' is also acceptable. These tags move the user to the glossary section of the document currently being edited, whatever that document may be. If I were to invoke a tag with an actual file name in it, and that file happened to be the file I was presently editing, the effect would be the same.

Finally, you undoubtedly saw that the last two entries in my tags file are identical except for the tag names. Either tag will take you to the same place in the same file with no preliminary editing. This is legitimate, and often useful. You may be building a tag file for multiple users -- some of these users are accustomed to a certain tag name for a given file and location, some to another tag name. The tags system allows you to accommodate both groups.

You may have noticed that the lines in my example file are arranged in ASCII-sort order. This is necessary to keep the tag-search mechanism from missing the tag you specify. If you don't trust your own ability to sort the lines, the Unix sort utility can do it for you.

When you've built your ``tags'' file, you need a place to put it. Ordinarily, when you invoke a tag name, the editor first tries to look it up in a file named ``tags'' in your current directory. If it fails to find such a file, it then looks for /usr/lib/tags . But you can override these defaults by setting a different value for the ``tags'' file in your editing environment. For instance, if you include this command in your setup file:

set tags=moretags

then tag searches will take place in a file named ``moretags'' in your current directory.

With everything set up, you only need to know how to invoke a tag as needed. There are three or four ways to do it, all enumerated below:

  1. When you invoke the editor from your shell's command line you can use the ``-t'' command-line option flag to specify a tagged item instead of naming a file to edit. For example, typing the line (from your shell prompt):

    vi -t chap3

    tells the editor to look up the ``chap3'' tag to find the destination file and location in that file. Oddly enough, you can list some file names to edit as well as a tag (with ``-t'') on the editor-invocation command line. The rule is that the first string of non-whitespace characters immediately following the ``-t'' flag is regarded by the editor as a tag name; any other such strings that don't begin with a ``-'' character are taken as actual names of files. However, the tagged and the named files aren't remembered the same way in this case.

    For instance, if you specify a tag, then two file names, the editor will initially place you in the tagged file and when you type :next you will move to the first named file, and another :n (the shortest abbreviation) takes you to the second named file. But, the tagged file does not appear on the argument list -- viewed with the args command -- so when you enter a :rewind command you return to the first named file, not the tagged file, even though it was specified first on the command line.

  2. While you are editing a file, you can invoke a tag with the line-mode command tag (shortest abbreviation, ta) followed by a space and the tag name. This command can be given from screen mode as :tag, of course.
  3. While you are in screen mode, you can put the cursor on either the first letter of a word or the space immediately preceding it and then type a ``control-]'' character. This has the same effect as if you'd typed the word the cursor is at as the argument to a :tag command.

    Caution: A ``control-]'' is the default Telnet ``escape'' character. So if you are editing on a remote system during a Telnet session and enter a ``control-]'', control will return to Telnet, which will interpret what you type next as a Telnet command. You could change the Telnet escape character when you start your remote terminal session in order to use ``control-]'' with the editor.

  4. Some newer versions of the editor maintain a stack of tags. If so, you can repeat the last :tag command you gave in screen mode by typing ``control-T''. This can take a count, so that typing a ``2'' and then a ``control-T'' repeats the :tag command preceding the last one you gave, etcetera.

Making Your Environment Setup Automatic

When you've worked out an editing environment setup that you will want to use frequently, or even occasionally, there is no need to type in all the changes from default every time you start up the editor. Because these are all line-mode editor commands, there are several ways to define them automatically, all or some of the time.

If there is an editor start-up file (which must be named .exrc) in your home directory (the dot at the start of the name is essential and the ``rc'' abbreviation means ``run command''), the editor will interpret it every time you invoke the editor and execute (or at least attempt to execute) the lines in the file as line-mode commands before it turns editing control over to you. This applies to environment-setting commands as well as others, so placing your set-up commands somewhere in this file will cause the setup to happen every time you invoke the editor.

There are drawbacks to this approach, though. You can only have one environment preset this way: the editor will use that same environment every time you invoke the editor. One way to provide more flexibility is to maintain several files with various setups in them, and before you enter the editor, rename the appropriate one of those start-up files to .exrc and when you leave the editor, restore its original name. But you shouldn't have to deal with anything this cumbersome just to control your editing environment.

The creators of the editor have provided a much better solution. Before the editor looks in your home directory for a start-up file, it first looks in the directory from which you invoked the editor. If it finds a file named .exrc there, it interprets that as the start-up file instead of the .exrc file in your home directory.

That behavior lets you have a special setup for each directory in which you might want to do some editing. For instance, let's say you have a directory of shell scripts, another containing chapters from a book you're writing, still another you use for writing e-mail, plus one where you store and edit error logs -- you can have a separate editing environment for each of these purposes. And if you invoke the editor from a directory where you don't maintain a separate start-up file, the one in your home directory will be used. Just remember to change to the directory where the target file(s) are located before invoking the editor.

Caution: If you invoke the editor from a directory different from the one containing the file you're editing, the editor will interpret the start-up file from your start-up directory, and not use the intended environment (defined by the .exrc file in the directory where the target file resides).

One caveat about multiple .exrc files, though. In Unix System V and its successors, a security feature restricts the editor's access to .exrc files that are not in your home directory. The editor will not interpret a .exrc file that's not in your home directory, unless you also have a .exrc file that does live in your home directory, and that file contains a line that sets the exrc boolean variable.

The security hazard that this complex proviso guards against is a real one. Let's say you need to edit several files that are in a directory like /tmp, /var/tmp or some other directory that is writable by all users. To save the trouble of providing a full path name every time you want want to switch from one file to another, you could easily change directories (that is, ``cd'' to the directory where these files are located). But when you want to start editing a file, the Vi/Ex editor may find a Trojan horse file named .exrc placed in your current directory by a cracker to await victims. Of course, the commands in this false editor start-up file will be run with your account ownership. These commands aren't limited to editor set-up commands, but may be any shell command that you're allowed to run, including ones to wipe out your files, reset file permissions to allow public access to confidential data, send indelicate comments to your boss using utilities like write combined with banner, and so forth.

Now, perhaps you work on files that have different kinds of material in different sections, and you want to be able to make a complete change of editing environment whenever you move from one section to another. In this case, use the source command, with so as its shortest abbreviation.

The source line-mode command can be given at any time, although you may have to give it from line-editing mode, not from screen mode with a preceding colon. It takes one argument, a file name or path name, and its function is to read the named set-up file and attempt to execute the lines in it as a series of line-mode commands.

Whether or not you can specify this command successfully in screen mode depends on the editor version you are using. Some early versions were quite serious about prohibiting multiple-line line-mode commands while in screen mode. So serious that these versions will execute only the first line of a script that has been sourced in while the user is in screen mode. If you don't encounter this behavior, you can ignore this warning. If you do, you at least know where the problem lies.

Now that you understand editor start-up files, I can acknowledge that the one you put in you home directory is not strictly necessary. The editor will accept the value of a shell environment variable named EXINIT as the string of line-mode commands to be run whenever the editor starts up. But I don't recommend going this route, for several reasons:

You can use source to execute an editor set-up file from anywhere in your file space. It will also execute any file of line-mode commands, no matter what the file name. For example, let's say you have a special environment setup that you never use at the beginning of an editing job, but you do need it to edit tables. You invoke the editor as always, but when you're ready to edit your tables, you run a command like:

:so table-defs

where the table-defs file contains line-mode commands that set up the editor for table editing.

When you specify a file of line-mode editing commands with source to perform, say, a frequently used edit automatically, it's probably a good idea to have commands in that file to return the editing environment to what it was before the editing commands were run, assuming the environment was changed for the editing task.

Caution: If you decide to use environment set-up files that you specify while you are editing -- you can't always depend on default values. For example, the autoindent variable is disabled (``off'') by default. So if you are setting up a start-up file that will only be used at the beginning of editor sessions, and you don't want to use autoindenting, you don't need to do anything to leave it turned off. But if you plan to occasionally use that set-up file in the middle of a session, you have to ask yourself, ``Will I ever use this setup in a case where I previously had autoindenting turned on, either by another set-up file or because I manually turned it on?'' If the answer that question is ``Yes'', then the set-up file you're writing must contain a set noai command to be sure that autoindentation is definitely disabled.

And, what if the source command is broken in your version of the editor? There is still a way to make semiautomatic environment changes. You have to use the line-mode read command plus a little-known feature of letter-named storage buffers.

You're probably accustomed to using the ``a'' through ``z'' named buffers for storing pieces of text, and returning these pieces to the main document with commands like "jp, which returns the contents of the ``j'' buffer right after the cursor position in visual mode. Well, you can also use a visual-mode command of the form @j, which takes the text from the ``j'' buffer and executes it as a visual-mode command string. For instance, if buffer ``j'' contains ``257G3dd'' as its text, then typing @j will move the cursor to line 257 and delete that line and the two that follow it.

The text in the buffer must be commands you could give from visual mode for this feature to work, but that includes line-mode commands that are preceded by a colon and terminated with a carriage-return character. So if buffer ``h'' contains the lines:

:se nomesg terse list
:map v :!wc -w %^M

then typing ``@h'' will reset three variables, map a command string, and move the cursor to the first line in the file.

There are a few points you should keep well in mind when you are placing line-mode commands into a letter-named buffer for future execution. All of them revolve around the fact that the editor is expecting screen-mode commands from this source.

To import this set-up command list from an outside file to the ``h'' buffer, use the read command. For example, if your three-line set-up file is named set.5, then type:

:r set.5

to read the file into your editing buffer, then the "h3dd@h command will delete those three lines -- which came from the external file -- into the ``h'' named buffer, then execute the same lines as set-up commands.

The Next Installment

You asked for it, and it's here!
Most of the e-mail I receive about this tutorial asks me how to do some specific kind of editing with Vi. The most popular request so far has been for techniques to edit material in columns, and that's what I explain in the next installment. Then it's on to the treacherous, albeit important, topic of addresses for screen-mode commands.

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