Welcome to the Homepage of ELE543,
Computer Network

Catalog Description

Computer network architectures, data link control and access protocols including token ring, CSMA/CD, slotted access etc. for LANs, internet protocols, internet resources and applications, software and hardware issues in computer communication, network delay analysis, and current technology in computer networking.

  • It is offerred by The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and jointly listed as CSC519.

  • Number of Credits: 4.

  • Prerequisite: Ele437, Knowledge in computer architecture, and good programming skill. For those students who do not have basic computer engineering math background, you are encouraged to prepare yourself by reviewing/learning the basics of linear algebra, probability theory, computer programming, and logic designs.

  • Instructor: Prof. Ken Qing Yang, who initiated the course.

  • Text book: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, by Kurose and Ross, Current Edition.
  • Reference 1 (optional): Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", Prentice Hall.

    Tentative Course Plan for Spring 2025

    1. Class Location: FCAE Room 264
    2. Class Time: Monday 5PM-7:30PM.
    3. Class schedule and syllabus for Spring 2025


      1. Class participation and class performance: 5%.
        All students are required to attend all and every clas. Missing a class for over 15 minutes will result in grade deduction; Active participations including in-class discussions and Q&A are expected from each student.
      2. There will be in class surprise quizzes: 5%.
      3. There will be two Exams accounted for 25% and 35% of final grade, respectively.
      4. There will be one term project accounted for 30% of the total grade:

        (1) Project proposal presentation 10%

        (2) Project demo and presentation 15%

        (2) Project Report 5%

        Here is a list of sample projects for your reference.