High Resolution Data Converters 


Delta-sigma modulators have become a popular means for the implementation of (monolithic)
        high-resolution analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.
Our research in this field concentrates on the following topics:
  • Modulator behavior and mathematical modeling (--> DelSi simulator)
  • Alternative modulator architectures
  • Practical implementation issues


    G. Fischer, and A.J. Davis: DelSi - A Design and Simultation Tool for Delta-Sigma Modulators. Proc. of the XIV IMEKO World Congress, 'Workshop on ADC Modeling,' Tampere, Finland, June 1-6, 1997.

    G. Fischer, and A.J. Davis: Alternative Topologies for Sigma-Delta Modulators - A Comparative Study.  IEEE Trans. on CAS II, pp.789-797, October 1997.

    G. Fischer, and A.J. Davis: A Wide-Band Cascade Delta-Sigma Modulator with Digital Correction for Finite Amplifier Gain Effects.  IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 34/06, pp.511-512, March 1998.


    Photograph of Actual Chip

    (Click on Image for Larger View)


    Magic Layout of Chip Design

    (Click on Image for Larger View)



    Development Team:


    Godi Fischer

    Alan Davis

    Chrisitian Weibel
    Deokhwaan Hyun


    Updated 10/19/98 by MJO