ICED Design Steps Outline
This document attempts to give the big picture of the design flow in
the URI ICED (Integrated Computer Engineering Design ) curriculum. Students
and faculty not in the ICED program may also use it to take advantage of
the ICED hardware/software environment. I also give some tips about nasty
situations that may occur in your use of the EDA tools, as well as the
precautions/solutions that I have found; I call these "FAPS": Frequently
Annoying Problems and their Solutions.
The design steps will only be given in schematic form. For detailed
information and tutorials see the documents in the ELE 305 and ELE 405
websites. If there is a discrepancy between this document and information
on the latter two courses' web sites, use the information in this document.
EDA Flow - The flow through the EDA (Electronic
Design Automation) tools
Design Entry - w/ Renoir
Logic Macro Generation (optional)
- w/ Xilinx Logiblox
Behavioral Simulation - w/ QuickHDL
Logic Synthesis - w/ Galileo
Logic Translation - w/ Xilinx M1
Structural Simulation - w/ M1, Galileo and QuickHDL
Download Design
FAPS: Freqently Annoying Problems and their Solutions
- tips, caveats, bugaboos and gotchas
1. Introduction
The overall flow is shown in: ICED EDA Flow. NOTES: Leonardo Spectrum is now used instead of Galileo, and ModelSim is
used instead of QuickHDL; their operation is similar.
2. EDA Flow - The flow through the
EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools
We consider the flow using the Mentor Graphics Renoir tool as a starting
point. Beginning with Mentor's Design Architect is similar.
Unless mentioned otherwise, all tools are started from the design's
home directory, which we'll call: dhdir. Unless leviathan
(the department server) is heavily loaded, it is recommended that you run
all of the tools from a leviathan shell.
Create an environment variable that will point to your dhdir by:
cd'ing to your home directory: cd ~
open your .cshrc file in a text editor: xemacs
add the following line to the end of the file (make sure the path for dhdir
is fully specified):
setenv $MY_ICED_HOME dhdir
save the file and close the editor
to make the change effective immediately, type: source
Create dhdir.
Create the following four subdirectories in dhdir:
dd - design data - holds the Renoir source files
hdl - hardware description language - holds the VHDL (or Verilog)
files generated by Renoir
dp - downstream preparation - holds the compiled HDL files, as
well as other intermediate and final output files of EDA tools used later
on. This is where the *.bit file winds up that holds the configuration
information for the FPGA (hardware).
lb - logiblox - holds the output of the Xilinx Logiblox macro
generation tool. This is not shown in the figure. Logiblox generates semi-custom
building block designs such as adders and registers tailored for our specific
Xilinx part.
Change directories to dhdir; use something like:
Start up Renoir by typing: renoir &
Create a library and set its subdirectory pointers to the first three subdirectories
you just created. Use the environment variable created earlier. For example,
the entry for the design data directory should be:
Design Entry. Enter the design in Renoir, and
generate and compile the VHDL. Contrary to what is stated elsewhere, do
NOT create a port for a global reset. It IS recommended to have a global
reset signal, but tie it to '0'. It is only used during simulation.
Logic Macro Generation (optional).
you want to use a Logiblox macro, see the ELE
305 Logiblox Tutorial and do the following for each macro:
change directories to /lb: cd lb
start the Logiblox generation interface by typing: lbgui
generate the macro or module; say it's called: mylbmacro
in Renoir, which should already be running out of dhdir, create
a new VHDL architecture; it MUST have a different name, that is, it should
NOT be mylbmacro
complete the creation of the Renoir entity and architecture as described
in the ELE
305 Logiblox Tutorial
assuming you're still in /lb, compile the VHDL behavioral description
of the Logiblox macro by typing:
qvhcom -work ../dp mylbmacro.vhd
copy the actual macro design information to the downstream directory by
cp -p mylbmacro.ngc ../dp
The macro can now be used anywhere in any of your Renoir designs. It will
also be treated correctly when performing behavioral or structural simulation.
Behavioral Simulation. Perform a behavioral
simulation to initially verify your design, correcting your design as necessary.
This is discussed in the ELE
305 Renoir Tutorial.
Logic Synthesis. From dhdir,
start the Exemplar (a Mentor Graphics subsidiary) Galileo synthesis tool.
This takes the VHDL from Renoir and synthesizes logic targeted for our
hardware. Note that Logiblox macros are not affected by Galileo; it will
in fact generate a warning message to the effect that it "can't find an
entity to bind to" for each macro used.
cd to your account home directory and create a directory
for your Galileo project files by typing:
mkdir galileo
cd back to dhdir and start Galileo by typing:
galileo -product leonardo
Using the File pull-down menu, create a new project by saving the old one
into a new location via "Save as ..." Put the new project into the ~/galileo
subdirectory you just made. (Say "yes" to the "Overwrite?..." question.)
Again using the File pull-down menu, set the "Working Directory" to point
to: dhdir/dp
Using information elsewhere (the Galileo part of the ELE
405 Lab 1), set the other Galileo switches the right way and synthesize
your design. MAKE SURE you save your Galileo project frequently to avoid
repeating work. Also make sure that in the main Galileo window you set
the target (output) design file to be placed in dhdir/dp ; NOTE:
by default it DOES NOT DO THIS, it sets it erroneously to dhdir/hdl
Logic Translation. Perform the translation
from abstract to physical logic with the Xilinx M1 EDA tool.
Again from dhdir, start the Xilinx M1 tool by typing:
dsgnmgr &
When asked, enter a unique project subdirectory that M1 will use. It should
be something like:
Change the settings not given here as described in ELE
405 Lab 1
In the simulation settings box, use a unique name for the simulation file
prefix; change: time_sim to something unique, like: time_sim_design_the_first
In the implementation settings tamplate, check the box to enable generation
of simulation data.
Run M1 to generate the simulation files:
and time_sim_design_the_first.sdf
and the configuration file:
The simulation files are used to perform structural simulation, while the
configuration file is downloaded to the FPGA to actually realize your design.
First, we simulate.
Structural Simulation. This is sometimes
called "back annotation". The big thing about structural simulation is
that it uses the real routing and logic design information to more accurately
simulate and verify your design before physical hardware test. Specifically,
the *.vhd file generated by M1 contains a structural (low-level)
VHDL description of your design, while the *.sdf file, also generated
by M1 contains the timing data for the logic elements in the *.vhd
file. While it is unnecessary to use Galileo to run the simulation, it
is very convenient, and we will do so here.
Go back to the main Galileo window. Make sure you are still using the .../dhdir/dp
directory as the working directory.
On the "Tools" pull-down menu, select "QuickHDL". A new window comes up,
the "QuickHDL" window, strangely enough.
The QuickHDL window has three major panes. Settings are made in the top
two, while runtime messages appear in the bottom one. The left pane is
for compilation, while the right one is for starting the QuickHDL simulator.
Set the working directories in both panes to: .../dhdir/dp
Make sure the 1993 VHDL box is NOT checked on the left pane.
Set the compilation pane to use the time_sim_design_the_first.vhd
file as its source.
Compile that file by selecting: "Compile" from the "Run" pull-down menu.
Note that you must re-compile this file whenever M1 is run through its
"timing" section.
Set the timing information in the right-hand pane to come from the time_sim_design_the_first.sdf
Start the simulator by selecting: "Simulate" from the "Run" pull-down menu.
The same qhsim simulator that you used in the behavioral simulation
starts up. Perform the structural simulation in the same manner. You should
even be able to use the same command (*.do) files you created
for your behavioral simulation, although you may have to change the detailed
time settings.
Correct your design as necessary and repeat everything until it works.
Download Design. You're finally there: download
the *.bit file generated by M1 and do the REAL testing! See the
405 S99 Labs 2-4 for more on this process. Use the HP logic analyzer
connected to the ICED sys-card to see your design's outputs/inputs from/to
the FPGA; documentation on the sys-card is forthcoming.
3. FAPS: Frequently Annoying Problems
and their Solutions
Symptom: Weird naming problems and complaints from M1.
Problem: Upper vs. lower case names can give the EDA tools fits;
this may be exacerbated when operating on Windows platforms.
Solution: ALWAYS use purely lower-case names for EVERYTHING.
If you don't, you may be fine, but you're on your own.
Symptom: After changing from one (VHDL) architecture to another,
the change is not seen in the final output. The new architecture was added
to the list of VHDL files in Galileo.
Problem: Galileo probably uses the first architecture it sees
in the list for a given entity.
Solution: Remove the old architecture's file name from the VHDL
file list in Galileo.
Symptom: When compiling VHDL, get error messages something like:
"...can't find library ieee of ieee..." even though, of course, the ieee
library always exists.
Problem: Somehow the quickhdl.ini settings file gets
corrupted. This file is normally created and maintained automatically.
Solution: Delete (rm) the quickhdl.ini file
in your dhdir/dp directory, then compile as usual. The quickhdl.ini
file will be correctly regenerated.
Symptom: Running out of resources on the FPGA; M1 is taking a long
time to place-and-route, even though not many CLB's are used.
Problem: You may be using too many tri-state nets. Although
the FPGA has many, many tri-state buffers on it, all tri-state buffers
driving the same net must be on the same CLB row of the same quadrant.
This makes life very difficult for M1.
Solution: Use tri-state nets sparingly. Use multiplexers most
of the time, instead.
Symptom: When trying to start a structural simulation via Galileo,
it complains about an unrecognized "-title" option in the command line
it generated automatically (actually, QuickHDL complains).
Problem: Unknown.
Solution: Restart Galileo.
Symptom: After editing a net in a Renoir block diagram, error messages
appear during VHDL generation/compilation concerning the net.
Problem: Not completely understood. It appears that if part
of a net is removed, some of the information about the net that Renoir
needs is removed or corrupted. The worst problems occur if the part of
the net containing the VHDL type declaration is removed.
Solution: Delete the entire net and rewire it.
Symptom: Error messages during Renoir VHDL generation/compilation
about entity/architecture/component names.
Problem: This especially occurs when using Logiblox. The architecture
instantiating a component MUST have a different name than the component.
In fact, the entity, architecture and component must all have different
Solution: Rename the entity, architecture and/or component.
It may be easiest just to re-create the Logiblox component and its instantiating
entity and architecture.
Symptom: The output design of M1 is much smaller than expected,
and the design does not work at all.
Problem: Some or all of your design has been optimized away,
for one or more of at least a couple of reasons:
The design has no outputs or is missing outputs at the highest VHDL level.
This especially happens in intermediate designs. M1 reasons: if there is
no output from a circuit, you don't need the circuit.
The design has a mis-wired reset or clock. If the reset is hardwired asserted,
or the clock is hardwired to stay at one logic level, M1 assumes the outputs
of the circuit do not change with time and can either be hardwired to 0
or 1, or possibly even removed completely.
Solution: Make sure sufficient outputs appear at the highest
level (that corresponds to pins on the FPGA, i.e., real outputs). Make
sure the reset is de-asserted, and the clock is not hardwired to 0 or 1.
Symptom: After editing part of your Renoir design, VHDL generation/compilation
errors occur, or the design functions oddly.
Problem: Parts of the VHDL may be inconsistent with each other,
e.g., if an output of one entity has been eliminated but the instantiating
VHDL still uses the old version.
Solution: After editing, but before going to Galileo, set the
"Generate Always" option for the highest-level VHDL entity in your design,
and regenerate and recompile it. This will cause every sub-design to be
re-generated and re-compilied automatically, flushing out any inconsistencies
in the VHDL. I recommend you do this EVERY time you make a change in Renoir.
Our machines are fast enough that this doesn't take much time.
Symptom: M1 takes forever to finish, or stops without creating a
configuration file (it fails).
Problem: This happens with large designs, or any time an FPGA
resource is in short supply. FPGA resources include: CLBs, routing (wiring)
channels, flip-flops, tri-state buffers or channels, etc. I've seen it
happen even when only 60% of the CLBs are being used. It is particularly
likely to happen on your complete processor designs.
Solution: Not too many easy fixes, here.
Try setting the effort level of the place-and-route algorithm at its maximum
Change the number of passes from "auto" to some large number (100 or 1000),
to give M1 every possible chance to complete.
Set the "map I/O registers into buffers" box in M1.
Optimize for area in Galileo and M1, although sometime this will backfire,
and a more structured layout (corresponding to lower delay) will be routed
more easily.
Redesign parts of your circuit to use less of the resource that is in short
supply (look at the reports in M1 to see what is and isn't being used).
Symptom: You've downloaded your design to one of the Sun's in Kelley
220, that is, a Sun with an FPGA card on it, and when you start the design
up the Sun crashes.
Problem: One or more of the outputs of your design is going
to an otherwise-used pin on the FPGA, probably fouling up the Sun's sbus
(I/O bus). Specifically, an output is going to a pin that has not been
(correctly) specified in the M1 User Constraints File (*.ucf).
Solution: Always use one of the canned *.ucf files
and do not renumber the pins. Make sure that all inputs and outputs of
your design (ports of the highest-level VHDL entity) are assigned to one
of the pins in a canned *.ucf file. The canned *.ucf
files may be found in the /ocean/classes/iced/??? directory.
Symptom: In the first step of M1, the "Translate" step, one or more
sub-designs is "unexpanded".
Problem: M1 cannot find the data for the sub-design. This can
occur either because of a missing VHDL file in the input file list in Galileo,
or a missing *.ngc data file for a Logiblox component, or a missing
Solution: Add the missing file(s) to the Galileo list. Copy
the missing *.ngc files from your .../dhdir/lb directory
to your ...dhdir/dp directory. You can do this quickly and mindlessly
by typing:
cd .../dhdir
cp -p lb/*.ngc dp
NOTE: If you use designs from multiple libraries, make sure that you
have copied ALL of the different library's *.ngc files to the
directory that holds the data for your CURRENT highest-level VHDL design
entity. Copy the slvif3_b.xtf file from the ICED area to your
Symptom: When processing a design in Galileo, an error message appears
including something like: "-5, feature does not exist".
Problem: This is a licensing issue. Either the Galileo licenses
have expired (unlikely), or you neglected to type the "-product leonardo"
on the command line when starting Galileo.
Solution: Restart Galileo with the command-line switch present.
May 22, 2000 | Gus
Uht |