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"HealthHacks Rhode Island" in Fall 2016
RI 2016 was a big success. We had 30 participants
(representing University of Rhode Island, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, and Brown University), 7 teams and 7
projects, 13 mentors (from 12 different organizations) and 12
judges (who are experts in various fields). We also had a
special guest, Wendy Nilsen from National Science Foundation.
She gave an enlightening keynote on Smart and Connected
Health. All in all, we enjoyed the 48-hours which were full of
ideas, brainstorming, designs, and prototyping. We will
definitely come back again in 2017. (Read the story
covered by the Providence Journal)

"E-textile Engineering Day" in Summer 2016
We held a workshop day on "electronic textiles" for high-school students, coming from various locations including US states (FL, NY, RI, and VA), Turkey and Pakistan. Students learned how to knit electronic components on textile fabrics. Sewing electronics onto fabrics is an entirely different experience, compared to designing PCBs or prototyping on breadboards. This demands skills, design thinking, and most important of all, patience.

Internet of Things Weekend for Undergraduate Students (Freshmen and Sophomores)
We organized a weekend workshop on "Internet-of-Things" for undergraduate students. Students designed their first IoT projects such as blinking LEDs through their smartphones. The workshop ended with an exciting team-based competition with a focus on "smart homes". We witnessed projects such as automated secure doors, smartphone-controlled lighting, and pet-motion sensing alarms. We were impressed by what young engineers can imagine, design, develop and test in a short period. Winners received prized sponsored by Engineering Dean, Raymond Wright. It was a memorable weekend for each and everyone who participated.

"Internet-of-Things Hack-a-Thon" in Fall 2015
Dr. Mankodiya and his team including Nick Constant and Tom Kowalczyk hosted URI's first Hackathon event November 13 through 15, 2015. Over the course of the three day event, four teams of students were tasked with coming up with solutions to real-world problems and develop prototypes to present for judging. Teams were expected to develop device solutions that fit under the Internet of Things (IoT) umbrella: electronic devices embedded with chips and sensors to allow for the collection and transmission of data. Prototypes were judged both in a “Shark Tank” style and by the audience; both event winning and audience favorite teams received smart watches as their prize.
Event winners Darby Hoss of Purdue University, Anthony Bisculo of North Eastern University and Amanda Figueroa of the University of Puerto Rico developed a prototype for a wearable device they called Alert: clothing designed to detect radiation, explosives and other dangerous materials.

"Wearable Engineering Day" in Summer Engineering Program 2015
Our lab organized a "Wearable Engineering Day" for 35 high school students coming from India, Pakistan, Providence (RI, USA), Russia, and Turkey. We were thrilled by the enthusiasm and curiosity of the young scholars who left with ideas and imaginations that will drive their future endeavors. KUDOS to all team members who made every effort to keep students entertained with home-baked, wearable tech prototypes.

"Wearable IoT Activities" in Summer Engineering Academy 2015
Our lab organized "Wearable Internet-of-Things Activities" for 24 students from South Kingstown High School that was a part of Summer Engineering Academy 2015 . The activities raised the enthusiasm and curiosity about engineering among the students. Appreciations to all our team members who made every effort to keep students entertained with home-baked, wearable tech prototypes.