News - Wearable Biosensing Lab - News
ABC CHANNEL 6 - Smart Gloves for Parkinson's Disease
URI biomedical engineering professor creating smart gloves to monitor Parkinson’s disease patients - URI students join Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Kunal Mankodiya, while displaying smart textiles, wearable items embedded with sensors, electronics and software that can collect data from patients, even though they are at home, and deliver it to doctors. From left are Nicholas Peltier, senior computer engineering major of Coventry, Professor Mankodiya, and Matt Constant, junior computer engineering major of West Warwick. (Full story is here.)

Providence Business News (PBN) covered the course of "Wearable Internet-of-Things" that builds interdisciplinary teams to design smart healthcare solutions. PBN interviewed Cody Goldberg and Cara Nunez who received benefits of this course in various ways. The students are graduating with the confidence of unique skills they acquired. (Full story is here)

HealthHacks RI 2016 was a big success. We had 30 participants (representing University of Rhode Island, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Brown University), 7 teams and 7 projects, 13 mentors (from 12 different organizations) and 12 judges (who are experts in various fields). We also had a special guest, Wendy Nilsen from National Science Foundation. She gave an enlightening keynote on Smart and Connected Health. All in all, we enjoyed the 48-hours which were full of ideas, brainstorming, designs, and prototyping. We will definitely come back again in 2017. (Read the story covered by the Providence Journal)

Congratulations to Admir Monteiro on successfully defending his master thesis on "Fog Computing for Healthcare", a research and development effort conducted in Wearable Biosensing Lab.

Congratulations to Nick Peltier (the one wearing a white t-shirt, right next to Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza) on winning the HackPVD ( Nick is a big part of Wearable Biosensing Lab. His team designed a "Wearable Tunnel Vision”, a smartwatch-based navigation and visualization system for sewages. Being as an audience in URI Hack-a-Thon 2015 helped him strengthen his motivation towards tech-driven innovation. @Nick, keep it up!!!

Our Neural Engineering class enjoyed conversing with Frank Rossi who lives with prosthetics on all four limbs. What amazed us is that he does pretty much everything and adapts himself to the environment. He shared his experiences of his 34-year journey that involved ups and downs. He not only lifted our spirit to pursue what we want, but also showed us how to survive in most adverse conditions without ever giving up. He also showed all future engineers how to laugh. SALUTE to him.

Four teams showcased their projects on Wearable Internet of Things (IoT). Kudos to all students who worked passionately in various directions. They not only built and programmed the working prototypes, but also developed an understanding of the market potential. They walked out with a confidence that if they can do this in three months, they can turn impossible into possible in the future. Many appreciations to VentureWell for supporting the course––Wearable IoT.

Congratulations to Cara Nunez (BME Senior from URI) who wins the first prize at the Rhode Island Biz Plan Competition held in Providence on Dec 3, 2015. She presented Always-In-Control (a wearable eye-tracker to control a robotic arm), one of the projects in our course “Wearable Internet-of-Things”. She delivered an absolutely stunning pitch. (Read Full Story)

Congratulations to Cody Goldberg and Nick Constant for their achievements at Intel sponsored Hack-a-Thon at IEEE Body Sensor Networks (2015). Wearable Biosensing Lab - URI is proud of you both! (Read Full Story!)

Congratulations to the 2015 graduates! These are the stars who played an exceptional role in the Wearable Biosensing Lab. They made a step towards changing the future of medicine by designing intelligent wearable medical technologies...

TeleTremor, our undergrad team from the Wearable Biosensing Lab was selected as one of the 23 finalists at RICE360 (National Undergraduate Global Health Technologies Design Competition), Rice University, Houston. The URI team (Trevor Bernier, Joseph Tudino, and Akintoye Onikoyi) presented the cutting-edge design of a wearable wristband that aims to improve telehealth management of patients with Parkinson's disease. (Story 1, Story 2, Story 3)