Kunal Mankodiya, PhD is the Director of Wearable Biosensing Lab and is an associate professor in the Dept. of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, RI, USA since 2014. He is a recipient of NSF CAREER (2016) Award enabling research on “Internet of e-textile wearables for telemedicine". In 2018, he received TechConnect Defense Innovation Award for his work on “Smart Textile Trouser". He was recognized as the “Innovator-of-the-year” by Future Textiles Awards, Frankfurt, Germany in 2017. Mankodiya was also selected among “40 under 40” by Providence Business News in 2017. His embedded computing design of a smart-textile ECG system earned him the 2010 SYSTEX Award, University of Ghent, Belgium. He regularly organizes scientific workshops/symposiums on IOT for healthcare at various international conferences. He also organizes an annual 48-hour HealthHacks event to promote entrepreneurial thinking in the areas including IOT, healthcare, and aging. His course on Wearable IOT blends design thinking with IOT concepts to nurture entrepreneurial skills in students from various backgrounds. He pursued his postdoctoral research at Intel Science & Technology Center (ISTC) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Luebeck, Germany. He holds MS (University of Luebeck, Germany) and BE (Saurashtra University, India) degrees in Biomedical Engineering.
- Wearable body sensor networks
- Internet-of-Things for Healthcare
- Smart textiles
- Medical cyber-physical systems
- Neural engineering
Education |
Ph.D. (2010) |
Computer Science (with “Magna Cum Laude”) Dissertation Title: A Multimodal, Wearable Health Monitor Institute for Signal Processing (ISIP), University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany. |
M.Sc. (2007) |
Biomedical Engineering University of Luebeck & Luebeck University of Applied Science, Luebeck, Germany. |
B.Engg (2003) |
Biomedical Engineering (with “Distinction”) Saurashtra University, India. |
Professional Experience |
Associate Professor (Jul 2019 - Present) |
University of Rhode Island (URI) Dept. of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering Director, Wearable Biosensing Lab Coordinator, Engineering Entrepreneurship Minor Program Founding Member, the URI Artificial Intelligence Lab Founding Member, Innovate@URI |
Assistant Professor (Jul 2014 - Jun2019) |
University of Rhode Island (URI) Dept. of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering Director, Wearable Biosensing Lab |
Postdoc Researcher (Nov 2011- Jun 2014) |
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering & Intel Science & Technology Center for Embedded Computing |
Postdoc Researcher (Feb 2011 - Oct 2011) |
University of Pittsburgh (PITT) Dept. of Rehabilitation Science & Technology |
Awards, Honors, & Recognition |
2018 |
TechConnect Defense Innovation Award on “WalkSmart: A Smart Textile Trouser For Body Motion Capture in Dailylife” |
2018 |
TEDxURI Talk on “Smart Textiles for Wearable Telemedicine” |
2017 |
NSF CAREER Award – “Internet of Wearable E-Textiles for Telemedicine” |
2017 |
Best Paper Award - ICSCC-2017 - Mist Data: Leveraging Mist Computing for Secure Architecture |
2017 |
URI Early Career Faculty Research and Scholarship Excellence Award |
2017 |
Innovator of the Year - Future Textile Awards 2017, Frankfurt, Germany |
2017 |
40 under 40 Award 2017, Providence Business News, Providence, RI |
2017 |
1st Winner of Aging2.0 Providence Pitch Competition |
2016 |
NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award on "Brain-Body Sensor Fusion" |
2015 |
VentureWell Faculty Award for the course on “Wearable IoT” |
2014 |
First Winner of Pitt Innovation Challenge on Smartwatch for Parkinson’s |
2010 |
The 2010 SysTex Student Award, Ghent University, Belgium |
2010 |
The Best Poster Prize at the 2010 International Biosignal Processing Conference |
STUDENT : Awards, Honors, & Recognition |
2018 |
Selected in 2019 CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop for Women - Gozde Cay |
2018 |
Student Travel Award for the NSF Connections in Smart Health Workshop - Gozde Cay |
2018 |
CleanTech Startup Accelerator Program - AquaByte Team |
2018 |
Boston University Summer Accelerator Program - Dylan Kennedy |
2018 |
First Place Winner at WaterHacks RI 2018 - Dylan Kennedy |
2018 |
Third Place Winner at WaterHacks RI 2018 - Brendon Driscoll, Josh Gyllinsky, Travis Frink |
2017 |
Third Place at RI Elevator Pitch Competition – Marjorie Pickard |
2017 |
First Place at IFAI Smart Fabric Design-a-thon – Josh Gyllinsky |
2017 |
Second Place at IFAI Smart Fabric Design-a-thon – Reza Abtahi |
2017 |
URI Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Excellence Award – Matt Constant, 3rd Year. |
2017 |
Second Place Winner at J-&-J Hack-a-thon – Josh Gyllinsky, Nick Peltier, Nick Constant, Andrew Peltier |
2016 |
Winner of Rhode Island Elevator Pitch Competition "Smart Dog Collar" - Andrew Peltier |
2016 |
Winner of HealthHacks Pitch Competition "ResponseRT" - Matthew Constant & Debanjan Borthankur |
2016 |
Winner of PVDHack Competition - Team "Tunnel-Vision" - Nicholas Peltier |
2016 |
Semifinalist of Rhode Island Business Plan Competition - Team "EchoWear" - Nick Constant |
2015 |
Winner of RI Biz Plan Elevator Pitch Competition – Project "Always-In-Control" – Cara Nunez |
2015 |
Final Round Contestant in Intel Makers TV Show - Project "Always-In-Control" – David Cipoletta |
2015 |
Finalist at RICE360 Global Health Design Competition - Trevor Bernier, Joseph Tudino, Toye Onikoyi |
2015 |
Best Design Award to the TEAM "BIG EARS" at Intel’s BSN Hack-a-thon at MIT – Nick Constant |
2015 |
Best Application Award to the TEAM "Queue-Ez" at Intel’s BSN Hack-a-thon at MIT – Cody Goldberg |
2011 |
Best Master Thesis PRIZE (2011) honored by the Univ. of Luebeck, Germany – Adballah Mohammedani |