Steven Kay
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Fellow of the IEEE
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer


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Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Rhode Island
Kelley Hall, Room A-123, 4 East Alumni Ave. Kingston, RI 02881.
Phone: 401-874-5804 Fax: 401-782-6422
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Dr. Kay conducts research in mathematical statistics with applications to digital signal processing. This includes the theory of detection, estimation, time series, and spectral analysis with applications to radar, sonar, communications, image processing, speech processing, biomedical signal processing, vibration, and financial data analysis. In 1989 he was elected to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE for "contributions to the theory and application of parametric spectral estimation and detection." He has also been included in a list of the 250 most highly cited researchers in the world in engineering.

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