ELE338 Reading Assignments
Note: This page provides some guidance to prepare for lectures. The assigments are estimates based upon where we intend to be. The listed reading assigments may therefore not always line up perfectly with the lecture.
Week #1 Topic: Introductory Material
1) TB: Chapter 1; Introduction and review of linear circuit theory.
2) Chapter 2 notes (download from web page)
Week #2 Topic: Large Signal Diode Models
1) TB: Chapter 2, section 2.2 Forward and reverse biased P/N Junction
2) Chapter 3 notes (download from web page)
3) Chapter 4 notes (download from web page)
Week #3 Topic: Diode small Signal Models
1) TB: Chapter 3 Sections 3.1-3.5
2) PN junction as thermal sensor (download from web page)
Week #4 Topic: BJT Models, Large signal, DC and small Signal Models.
1) TB: Chapter 4; Sections 4.4 and 4.6
Week #5 Topic: BJT DC Operating Point Analysis/Design
1) Chapter 5 notes (download from web page)
2) TB: Chapter 5; section 5.1 (General Considerations) and
section 5.2 (Operating Point Analysis and Design)
Week #6 Topic: Bipolar Transistor Amplifier Cores: CE & Follower
TB: Chapter 5; section 5.3 (Bipolar Amplifier Topologies)
specifically 5.3.1 (Common-Emitter Topology)
5.3.3 (Common-Collector Topology)
Week #7 Topic: Bipolar Transistor Amplifier Cores: Common Base
TB: Chapter 5; section 5.3 (Bipolar Amplifier Topologies)
specifically 5.3.2 (Common-Base Topology)
Week #8 Topic: MOS Device Physics and Circuit Models
TB: Chapter 6; Sections 6.1-6.6
Week #9 Topic: MOS Transistor DC Models & Operating Point
TB: Chapter 7; Sections 7.1 and 7.2
Week #10 Topic: MOS Transistor Amplifier Cores
TB: Chapter 7; Sections 7.3 and 7.4
Week #11 Topic: Op Amp Modeling and Circuit Design with OpAmps
TB: Chapter 8; Sections: 8.1, 8.2, 8.4.1-8.4.3, 8.5
Week #12 Topics: Non-linear Op Amp Circuits & Final Exam Review
TB: Chapter 8; Section 8.3