2012-13 BME Capstone Design (BME 484-485)

Project Advisors Industrial Sponsor IRB Approval URIA* Application Conference presentation** Award Students Title of the conference paper
1 Wearable activity analyzer Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot Burbank Industries V V NEBEC, AT, URI Showcase URIA ($400) Tanya Wang Josh Harvey Activity Analyzer for Guided Independent Living Environments (AAGILE): A preliminary study on healthy young adults.
2 Visual to auditory substitution Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot TechACCESS V V NEBEC, AT
Cameron Elliott Garabed Tashian Jeffery Crispo Motion based visual to auditory substitution.
3 Frequency response of breathing sounds Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot Philips V V NEBEC, URI Showcase NEBEC Senior Design Competition (2nd place) Andy Spiewak Brittany Alphonse Erik Walder The effect of recording methods on the frequency response of breathing sounds measured with an electronic stethoscope
4 Pressure-controlled stethoscope Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot Philips
V NEBEC, URI Showcase URIA ($400) Brittany Alphonse Andy Spiewak Erik Walder Development of a pressure-sensing handle for a stethoscope
5 Environmental control system Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot TechACCESS
V NEBEC, AT, URI Showcase URIA ($400) David Ramsay Brian Kennedy Economical design process for integrated single input environmental control systems as a commercial alternative for in-home assistive technologies
6 Electromyogram based controls Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot TechACCESS V V NEBEC, AT, URI Showcase URIA ($400) Kaitlin Abbate Thomas Franklin Morgan Rosenberger Determining strength of muscle contraction using electromyogram
7 Neuron emulator Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot Neuroscience Tools
V NEBEC, URI Showcase
Stephen Sladen Angela Phongsavan Development of an electrophysiological instrument for Universal Clamp testing
8 Upper airway model Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot Philips
V NEBEC, URI Showcase
Thaeje Shanker Gemma Downey A silicone human head model for testing acoustic
properties of the upper airway
9 Voice activations with a smartphone Ying Sun, Eugene Chabot TechACCESS
V NEBEC, AT, URI Showcase URIA ($400) Nicholas Mulhern Neil McCaffrey Nicholas Beretta Designing Android applications using voice controlled commands

*   URIA: Undergraduate Research Initiative Award (URI Research Office / Provost Office)
** NEBEC: Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Syracuse, NY, April 5-7, 2013.
    AT: Assistive Technology Conference, Warwick, RI, November 31, 2012.
    URI Showcase: Research & Innovation Showcase, Memorial Union, URI, April 10, 2013.