Class Schedule of ELE648,
For Fall, 2011

Date Modified: Sept 8, 2011.

There will be two lectures each week (Tues. and Thurs. between 11:00AM and 12:15PM), some laboratory experiments, reading and network surfing to learn tools and languages, and two homeworks (projects).


Homework 1 and presentation 50%, Homework 2 and presentation 50%.

  • Lectures: 11:00am--- 12:15pm, Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Location: TBD.

    Tentative Course Plan for the Fall Semester of 2011

    ELE 648 Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture

    Topics Covered

    1. Week 1 and 2 (9/8-9/15): Overview, introduction, and basic concepts of computer architecture;
    2. Week 3 (9/20-9/22): Main Memory organizations; Memory Hierarchy Concepts, CPU organization and scheduling.
    3. Week 4 (9/27-9/29): Storage Architectures, Network I/O, SCSI, Disks, and storage hierarchy;
    4. Week 5 (10/4-10/6): Homework 1 Proposal Presentations
    5. Week 6 (10/11-10/13): Virtual Machines, concept, architecture, and storage I/Os.
    6. Week 7 (10/18-10/20): Virtualization, VMWare, ESX, ESXi, and iSCSI SAN in VMware.
    7. week 8 (10/25-10/27) Cache concepts, storage hiearchy.
    8. Week 9 (11/1-11/3): Homework 1 report presentations and Homework 2 proposal presentations
    9. Week 10 (11/8-11/10) I/Os in virtual machines, and VMotions,
    10. Week 11 (11/15-11/17): No class, Project experiments in the lab. developing virtual appliances,
    11. Week 12 (11/22) Disk I/O Architectures; (11/24): Thanksgiving Recess, no class.
    12. Week 13 to Week 15 (11/29-12/8): Advanced topics in computer architecture research.
    13. Week 16 (12/16) 8AM--11AM Final Project Presentations and demonstration.