
Figure   3

Figure 4   The current mirror formed by the pnp transistor with two collectors is equivalent to a current mirror formed using two separate transistors. Note that bases and emitters are connected. In silicon this can be acomplished with pnp transistors by having one base and one emitter with two separate collectors.

This current mirror assures I1=I2.

3.   For the circuit shown in Figure 3;

  • What is the current through the resistor, R?

  • What value of R results in a bandgap voltage source?

  • What is the value of Vo?
  • Use the transistors described in the Widlar current mirror problem.


    For temperature stability the derivative of Vbg with respect to T should be zero.

    The current in R is 2I. The bandgap voltage, Vbg, is the drop across R plus Vbe2.

    The output voltage Vo is related to Vbg by the voltage divider rule.