Transmission line exam problem 1

Figure 1

1.   Obtain expressions for the voltage and current standing wave patterns on a lossless open circuited transmission line.

Sketch these patterns.


The forward traveling wave is incident on the open circuit at z = 0.

Vf = A cos(wt - ß z)

Phasor representation of the forward traveling voltage wave is

V+ = A e-jß z

At the open circuit (z = 0), the wave is reflected.

Phasor representation of the reflected voltage wave is

V- = A ejß z

The total voltage is the sum of the incident and reflected waves.

V = V+ + V- = A(e-jß z + ejß z) = 2A( ejß z + ejß z)/2 = 2A cos(ß z)

The magnitude of the voltage on the line is the magnitude of 2A cos(ß z) The magnitude is plotted in Figure 1.

Since for the forward traveling wave, V+ = Zo I+
And for the reflected wave V- = -Zo I-
The total current is

I = (A/Zo)(e-jß z - ejß z) = 2j(A/Zo)( e-jß z - ejß z)/2j = -2j(A/Zo) sin(ß z)

The magnitude of the curent on the line is the magnitude of -2(A/Zo)j sin(ß z)

The magnitude is plotted in Figure 1.