Transmission Lines

Consider a forward traveling voltage wave,

The phasor representation for this wave is

Consider a voltage wave traveling in the negative z direction,

The phasor representation for this wave is

Gamma is the ratio of the reverse wave to the forward traveling wave.

The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the reverse traveling wave to the forward traveling wave at the load, z = 0.

Due to constructive and distructive interference between the forward and reverse traveling waves, the amplitude of the voltage on the line varies with distance aling the line, z. The standing wave ratio is the ratio of the maximum voltage on the line to the minimum voltage on the line.

The forward traveling voltage wave is related to the forward traveling current wave by the characteristic impedance, Zo.

The reverse traveling voltage wave is related to the reverse traveling current wave by the characteristic impedance, Zo.

The characteristic impedance, Zo, is a function of the line inductance per unit length, L, and the line capacitance per unit length, C.

The velocity of propagation is

where is the wavelength.