Explain what each of the following lines of J259 code does.
Answer1. MS(MFI|MFP|E5,3.00,FFP|VX1|CL1,2.00); /* force 2.0V; setup to measure 30.0UA*/ 2. CP(P2,L0); 3. CP(P4,ML); 4. GATES(MSG); 5. JWait(15); 6. flag=check_rej(); 7. ChkDatalog(0,flag,DIGITAL); 8. if(!TEST(flag,13,DLval[TN],DLdes[TN],DLnum[TN])) return(ClrCap()); 9. GATES(0);
- Set Measurement system to apply (force) 2V and measure resulting current, comparing current to 30 uA.
MFI Measure current MFP Measure Function Positive E5 Current multiplier = 1E-5 3.00 Comparison value FFP Force Function Positive VX1 Voltage multiplier= 1.0 CL1 Clamp (Usually set to NOCLMP to disable clamp.) 2.00   Force voltage - Connect P2 to GND
- Connect P4 to Measurement line
- Turn measurement system on
- Wait 15 ms
- If over 30 uA flag is set
- Check flag
- If flag Fail
- Turn all power to chip off