Ele599I E-Testing II
Mid Term Exam

Question 3
March 28, 2000

Explain what each of the following lines of J259 code does.

1.   MS(MFI|MFP|E5,3.00,FFP|VX1|CL1,2.00);  /* force 2.0V; setup to measure 30.0UA*/
2.   CP(P2,L0);
3.   CP(P4,ML);
4.   GATES(MSG);
5.   JWait(15);
6.   flag=check_rej();
7.   ChkDatalog(0,flag,DIGITAL);
8.   if(!TEST(flag,13,DLval[TN],DLdes[TN],DLnum[TN])) return(ClrCap());
9.   GATES(0);

  1. Set Measurement system to apply (force) 2V and measure resulting current, comparing current to 30 uA.
    MFI Measure current
    MFP Measure Function Positive
    E5 Current multiplier = 1E-5
    3.00 Comparison value
    FFP Force Function Positive
    VX1 Voltage multiplier= 1.0
    CL1 Clamp (Usually set to NOCLMP to disable clamp.)
    2.00   Force voltage
  2. Connect P2 to GND
  3. Connect P4 to Measurement line
  4. Turn measurement system on
  5. Wait 15 ms
  6. If over 30 uA flag is set
  7. Check flag
  8. If flag Fail
  9. Turn all power to chip off