Ele591I E-Testing II
Final Exam


Question 2

Figure 2

  1. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 2.

    The identical transistors have a threshold voltage of 1V
    and (W/L)uCox/2 = 10-4 amp/Volt2

    1. What is the output current, Io?

    2. What does the output voltage, Vo, have to be to keep M2 in saturation?


Equate current through the resistor to M1 drain current,
(5-Vgs)/5K = 10-4[Vgs-1]2

5-Vgs = 0.5[Vgs2-2Vgs +1]

Vgs2 = 9

Vgs = 3V

Io = Id = (5-Vgs)/5K = 400 uA

For M2 to remain in saturation
Vo = Vds > Vgs - Vtr = 3-1 = 2V

Vo should be greater than 2 Volts