\documentclass{urithesis} %% See http://www.ele.uri.edu/info/thesis/guide for details. \usepackage{graphics} %% This makes the pdf file contain active links for all references, %% urls, the table of contents, etc., and creates a pdf menu. \usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0},plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} %% These will be placed on the signature lines in the order they appear %% when the electronic option is given in the \documentclass command. %% There should be one \signature for each committe member. \signature{Major Professor} \signature{First Committee Member} \signature{Second Committee Member} \deansignature{Nasser H. Zawia} \begin{document} %% This should be the title of this dissertation/thesis. \title{The Title of My Thesis Which was Written as Part of My Degree Requirements} %% This should be the author of this dissertation/thesis. \author{Stew L.~Dent} %% This is the name of the .bib files that holds all of your references. %% It can be a comma separated list if there is more than one file. \reffile{references} %% These are the names of the .tex files which hold the %% respective section of the thesis. If one of these sections %% is not included, comment out the corresponding line. \abstract{abstract} %\acknowledgements{acknowledgements} %\dedication{dedication} %\preface{preface} %% Include the chapters. \newchapter{chapter1} %\newchapter{chapter2} %\newchapter{chapter3} %\newchapter{chapter4} %% Include any appendices. %\newappendix{appendixA} %\newappendix{appendixB} %% Include any references which should appear in the bibliography, %% but are not explicitly referenced in the thesis. \nocite{re:toolan:as03} \end{document}