What is ICED?
ICED is the new curriculum for computer engineering majors at
URI. Its major distinguishing characteristic from programs
at other schools is its multi-year project. The current project
entails the design, construction, test and evaluation of a
complete computer system, including processor, compiler,
memory and network interface. With this breadth of hands-on
experience, the project integrates the material studied in
the core courses and demonstrates to the student where
material fits in the big picture.
Purpose of this website:
The ICED website is primarily a resource for ICED students
throughout their computer engineering studies. There is
documentation on the ICED hardware and software, and tutorials
on the design tools.
There is also information for instructors from other schools
seeking to use ICED material. Note: all material is copywritten
and all material may be used without charge as long as URI
is credited.
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