
Modern Spectral Estimation: Theory and Application, Prentice Hall, 1988

Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Vol. I - Estimation Theory Prentice Hall, 1993

Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Vol II - Detection Theory, Prentice Hall, 1998 (matlab file downloadable)

Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Vol. III Practical Algorithm Development, 2013 (MATLAB files, utility files, and exercise solutions downloadable in zip file)

Intuitive Probability and Random Processes Using MATLAB, Springer, 2006 ( downloadable incompleted DRAFT in PDF format) ( downloadable MATLAB CODE in TEX format) - downloaded files contain only probability portion of book, see Table of Content Listings below for random processes content (book in its entirety now available from Springer, 2006) (corrections)

Table of Contents Listings

Fortran Programs of Modern Spectral Estimation Book

MISA Software


"Can Detectability be Improved by Adding Noise?'',
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Jan. 2000

(PDF Format 116KB)

"Prototype Sparse Arrays for 3d Sonar Imaging Systems'',
ECUA2000, Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Lyon, France, July 2000 (with J. Impagliazzo)

(PDF Format 171KB)

"Mean Likelihood Frequency Estimation'',
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, July 2000 (with S. Saha)

(PDF Format 290KB)

"Sufficiency, classification, and the class-specific feature theorem'',
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, July 2000

(PDF Format 163KB)

"Chirp Estimation using Importance Sampling'',
Int. Conf. Acoustics,Speech, and Signal Processing, Salt Lake City, 2001 (with S. Saha)
(PDF Format 87KB)

"Conditional Model Estimation'',
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, September, 2001
(PDF Format 162KB)

"Multidimensional probability density function approximations for detection, classification, and model order selection'',
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, October, 2001 (with P. Baggenstoss, A. Nuttall)
(PDF Format 351KB)

"Rapid Estimation of the Range-Doppler Scattering Function'',
2001 Oceans Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (with B. Doyle)
(PDF Format 358KB)

"High Resolution Imaging Using a Sparse Array'',
2001 Oceans Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (with J. Impagliazzo, A. Chiang, S. Broadstone)
(PDF Format 608KB)

"Optimal Invariant Detection of a Sinusoid with Unknown Parameters'',
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Jan. 2002 (with J. Gabriel)
(PDF Format 115KB)

"Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of superimposed chirps using Monte Carlo importance sampling'',
special issue on Monte Carlo methods in IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Feb. 2002 (with S. Saha)
(PDF Format 238KB)

"Estimation of the Parameters of the Class A Models via the Cumulant Generating Function'',
CISS 2002, Princeton, NJ March 2002 (with David Middleton)
(PDF Format 172KB)

"Optimal Signal Design for Active Sonar/Radar'',
Int. Conf. Acoustics,Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, FL, May 2002 (with J. Thanos)
(PDF Format 159KB)

"Design of sparse linear arrays by Monte Carlo importance sampling'',
IEEE Trans. on Oceanic Eng. Oct. 2002 (with S. Saha)
(PDF Format 678KB)

"Rapid Estimation of the Range-Doppler Scattering Function'',
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing (with B. Doyle)
(PDF Format 1013KB)

"Optimal Direction of Arrival Estimation'',
submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Processing (with S. Saha)
(PDF Format 333KB)

"Segmentation of Signals and Its Application to Image Denoising and Boundary Feature Extraction'', ICIP 2004 (with Xu Han)
(PDF Format 757KB)

"Unbiased Estimation of the Phase of a Sinusoid'',
ICASSP 2004 (with K. Peters)
(PDF Format 149KB)

"Use of Wisjman's Theorem for the Ratio of Maximal Invariant Densities in Signal Detection Application'',
presented at 2002 Asilomar Conference (with Joseph Gabriel)
(PDF Format 497KB)

"An Invariance Property of the GLRT'',
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Dec. 2003 (with Joseph Gabriel)
(PDF Format 399KB)

"Vector Space Solution to the Multidemensional Yule-Walker Equations'',
2003 Int. Conf. on Acoustics,Speech,and Signal Processing, (with Chris Carbone)
(PDF Format 50.8KB)

"Exponentially Embedded Families: A New Approach to Model Order Estimation'',
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronics,  Jan. 2005
(PDF Format 1,152KB)

"The Optimum Radar Signal for Detection in Clutter'',
submitted to IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronics
(PDF Format 231KB)

"Reducing Probability of Decision Error using Stochastic Resonance'',
to be published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters
(PDF Format 197KB)

"A Wide Dynamic Range Multichannel Spectral Estimator'',
In submission (With Cuichun Xu)
(PDF Format 562KB)

"Asymptotically Optimal Approximation of Multidimensional PDFs by Lower Dimensional PDFs'',
to be published in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing
(PDF Format 222KB)

"Waveform Design for Multistatic Radar Detection'',
(PDF Format 218KB)

"Rapid Estimation of the Parameters of a K-Distribution'',
(PDF Format 77KB)

International Waveform Diversity and Design Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 2007,(with M. Rangaswamy, C. Xu, and F. Lin)
(PDF Format 1611KB)

"A Maximum Likelihood Angle-Doppler Estimator using Importance Sampling'',(with Huigang Wang)
(PDF Format 277KB)

"An Exact Maximum Likelihood Narrowband Direction of Arrival Estimator'',(with Supratim Saha and Huigang Wang)
(PDF Format 180KB)

"Cramer-Rao Lower Bound Computation Via the Characteristic Function'',
to be published in IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronics, (with Cuichun Xu)
(PDF Format 142KB)

"A Wide Dynamic Range Multichannel Spectral Estimator'', (with Cuichun Xu)
(PDF Format 562KB)

"Optimal Signal Design for Detection of Gaussian Point Targets in Stationary Gaussian Clutter/Reverberation'', 
(PDF Format 272KB)

"Generalizing Stochastic Resonance by the Transformation Method'', 
(PDF Format 91KB)

"Theory of the Stochastic Resonance Effect in Signal Detection: Part I--Fixed Detectors'',
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, July, 2007 (with H. Chen, P. Varshney, and J. Michels)
(PDF Format 1236KB)

"Reducing Probability of Decision Error Using Stochastic Resonance'',
IEEE Signal Processing letter, Nov., 2006 (with J. Michels, H. Chen, and P. Varshney)
(PDF Format 326KB)

"The Optimum Radar Signal for Detection in Clutter'',
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronics, July, 2007
(PDF Format 164KB)

"On Centralized Composite Detection with Distributed Sensors'',
IEEE Radar conference, Roma, Italy, May, 2008 (with Cuichun Xu)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Model Based Classification using Multi-Ping Data'',
OCEANS, Sept., 2006 (with Christopher P. Carbone)
(PDF Format 524KB)

"A New Nonstationarity Detector'',
IEEE Trans. on Sinal Processing, April, 2008
(PDF Format 240KB)

"A New Approach to Fourier Synthesis With Application to Neural Encoding and Speech Classification'',
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Oct., 2010
(PDF Format 240KB)

"Optimal Detector and Signal Design for STAP based on the Frequency-Wavenumber Spectrum'',
(PDF Format 240KB)

"A Poisson Spectral Representation for Random Process Modeling'',
(PDF Format 240KB)

"A Novel Normalization Algorithm Based on the Three-Dimensional Minimum Variance Spectral Estimator'',(with Christopher P. Carbone)
(PDF Format 240KB)

"Convergence of the Multidimensional Minimum Variance Spectral Estimator for Continuous and Mixed Spectra'',
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Jan., 2010 (with Lewis Pakula)
(PDF Format 240KB)

ICASSP, Dallas, TX, Mar., 2010 (with Quan Ding)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Joint PDF Construction for Sensor Fusion and Distributed Detection'',
International Conference on Information Fusion, Edinburgh, UK, Jul., 2010 (with Quan Ding, Darren Emge)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Sensor Integration for Classification'',
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, CA, Nov., 2010 (with Quan Ding, Muralidhar Rangaswamy)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Inconsistency of the MDL: On the Performance of Model Order Selection Criteria with Increasing Signal-to-Noise Ratio'', (with Quan Ding)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Autoregressive Modeling of Raman Spectra for Detection and Classification of Surface Chemicals''
to be published in IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (with Quan Ding, Cuichun Xu, Darren Emge)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"An Iterative Method for Nonlinear FM Synthesis of Radar Signals''
IEEE Trans on Aerspace and Electronic Systems, Apr., 2010 (with Leland Jackson, Naresh Vankayalapati)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Asymptotically Optimal Detection/ Localization of LPI Signals of Emitters using Distributed Sensors''
in Proceedings of the SPIE, Apr., 2010 (with Naresh Vankayalapati)
(PDF Format 138KB)

"Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for Complex Parameters''
unpublished (with Venkatesh Nagesha)
(PDF Format 1,248KB)

"Poisson Maximum Liklihood Spectral Inference''
(PDF Format 173KB)

"Potential Improvement in Detection via Censoring of Poor Data Sets"
(PDF Format 109KB)