BME 281 Biomedical Engineering Seminar II
Seminar series given by instructor, invited experts, and students with focus
on physiological system modeling, biomechanics, biomaterials, tissue
engineering, artificial organs, and biosensors. (Seminar) Pre: sophomore
standing in biomedical engineering or permission of instructor. (I, 1)
Syllabus: Section 1 (W2), Section
2 (W3)
Class photos: 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005,
2006, 2007,
2008, 2009,
2011, 2012,
2013, 2014,
2015, 2017.
Prepare your one-page paper using this
Guidelines for preparing your one-page paper and slides:
- Always ask the course instructors regarding their rules on using the
Internet for course works. It is allowed to use the Internet for
preparing your presentations in this class. However, it may not be so in
some other courses such as creative writing.
- Always give references to the sources (URLs plus dates).
- Check out multiple sources on a specific topic in order to obtain a
less biased view.
- Use more reputable sources such as Wikipedia,
Scholar, USPTO and PubMed.
Remember that these days anyone can put anything, whether accurate or
not, on the Internet.
- You should really ask for permissions to use copy-righted materials
such as pictures. However, this may be exempted under the fair use in
the academia setting.
- If you include sentences verbatim, they should be in quotes and, of
course, with references. If you paraphrase, you don't need to put it in
quotes. Just cite the source.
- Use superscripted TM and ® for registered trademarks.
Final report template.
Solidworks / 3D printing homework, project,
Solidworks intro.
(NEW!) A list of benchmarks for speaking in public. Note, no more than nine
minutes for your presentation, and three minutes for Questions and Answers.
Fall 2018 Wednesday (Section 1)
- Amy Thomas : Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury using Neural Stem Cells
- Sammi Olah : 3-D Bio-printed Artificial Trachea
- Hannah Tremblay : The Artificial Pancreas
- Brenden Wood : Artificial Heart Valve Replacement
- Arjita Bhasin : Engineering for Health: Mhealth
- Raymond Horvath : Treatments for Petit Mal (Absence) Seizures
- Isaac Michaud : Cytokine Release Syndrome Treatment
- Isabella Lapolito : Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears and Treatment
- Hannah Traianou : Hernia Surgical Mesh Implants
- Kaitlin Neville : Sapien Transcatheter Aortic Valve
- Sophia Remick : Gene Therapy for Color Blindness
- Andrew Skavicus : Gene Editing Bacteria to Cure Staphylococcus Aureus Infections
- Anthony Dellagrotta : Medical Applications of Brain Computer Interface
- Noelle Papineau : Needleless Injections
- Rebecca Donegan : Bioprinting: An Analysis of its Applications
Fall 2017 Wednesday (Section 2)
Fall 2017 Wednesday (Section 1)
Fall 2016 Tuesday (Section 2)
Fall 2016 Wednesday (Section 1)
November 2, 2016:
Fall 2015 Wednesday (Section 1)
December 2, 2015:
Fall 2015 Tuesday (Section 2)
Fall 2014 Wednesday (Section 1)
November 19, 2014:
Fall 2014 Tuesday (Section 2)
November 18, 2014:
Fall 2013 Wednesday (Section 1)
Fall 2013 Tuesday (Section 2)
Fall 2012 Wednesday (Section 1)
- Thomas, Callie: 1. Organ printing
2. The REMIND program
- Paiva, Nicholas: 1. Visual prostheses:
restoring sight to the blind
2. Predicting and preventing epileptic
- Coulombe, Reid: 1. Computed tomography (CT
2. Hearing aids
- Volpe, Brian: 1. Artificial heart valves
2. Coronary stents
- Moreau, Madison: 1. Brain pacemakers -
deep brain stimulation
2. Deep brain stimulation for AD
- Gomes, Nicholas: 1. Brain cntrol
interface (BCI)
2. Defibrillators
- Ramsey, Michelle: 1. Electrocardiography
2. Artificial lung
- Batrakov, Alexander: 1. Active
prosthetics: Bionic Touch I-Limb®
2. Given Imaging: Pillcam SB
- McVaney, Jesse: 1. Video pupillary
tracking systems as a method for interfacing
2. Implementation of physical sensors
- Galle, Jeremy: 1. Stereotactic
2. Accuray CyberKnife®: Tumor Removal
- Kunkel, Kelsey: 1. Smart Textiles
2. Knee Braces for Osteoarthritis
- King, Caitlyn: 1. Swan-Ganz catheter
2. Continuous positive airway pressure
- Matthews, Kelsey: 1. LASIK eye surgery
2. Endoscopy
- Kue, Nouaying: 1. Artificial skin
2. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
- Murray, Kyla: 1. Implantable artificial
2. Artificial oxygen carriers kidney
- Colletti, Matthew: 1. Blood glucose
2. Electroencephalogram monitors
- Jacobson, Zachary: 1. Dialysis treatment
for kidney disease
2. Stimulation of the vagus nerve for
severe tinnitus
- Rittling, Nastasja: 1. Corneal tissue
2. Spinal fusion engineering
- Mcdonough, Lauren: 1. Ipilimumab, Yervoy
2. The cheetah flex foot
- Crino, Seth: 1. BME: In the Hospital
2. Art in prosthetics
- Bernier, Trevor: 1. Artificial disk
replacement in the lumbar spine
2. Artificial blood
- Branon, Chelcy: 1. Growth of stem cells
in artificial organs
2. TBA
- Volpe, Shawn: 1. Robotic surgery
- Chipouras, Christian: 1. Hearing
2. CT
Scans of the head
Fall 2012 Tuesday (Section 2)
- Danielson, Victoria: 1. Neural
controlled prosthetics I
2. Neural controlled prosthetics II 
- Vandiver, Michael: 1. Cochlear implants
2. Vaccines
- Smaldone, Colton: 1. Functional
electrical stimulation (FES)
2. Lasik eye surgery
- Ims, Jonathan: 1. Drug delivery chip
2. Non-invasive glucometer
- Junkins, Amanda: 1. Artificial hearts
2. The heart-lung machine
- Sexton, Kyle: 1. Visual prostheses
2. Duplicating genes
- Mulhern, Nicholas: 1. Targeted muscle
2. Molecular imaging & positron
emission tomography
- Dezrick, Shante: 1. Transmyocardial laser
2. Angiogenesis
- Gagan, Tyler: 1. Tissue engineering
2. Brain port sensory augmentation
- Brown, Katie: 1. Robotic Surgery on the
2. Liver dialysis: Molecular adsorbent
recirculating system (MARS)
- Wec, Daniel: 1. Artificial heart valves
2. ABjork-Shiley heart valve
- Noonan, Katherine: 1. Replacement
arthroplasty focused on the knee
2. Alzheimer's and the medications used
to treat it
- Nunez, Cara: 1. Burn treatment and tissue
engineering of the skin
2. Tissue engineering of the liver
- Sudario-Cook, Jordan: 1. Use of stem
cells for cartilage repair/regeneration
2. Axolotl limb regeneration
- Catalano, Anthony: 1. The extracellular
matrix in tissue regeneration
2. Biosensors
- Donofrio, Anthony: 1. Reconstructing and
recording images mind sees
2. 3-D medical scanner
- Tamayo, Daniel: 1. Tissue Engineering of the
2. Electrospinning nanofibers
- Behnke, Analicia: 1. Organ Care System:
2. SD-OCT- spectral domain optical
coherence tomography
- Brooks, James: 1. Brain-computer
2. Elective amputation
- Brown, Timothy: 1. CT scans of the head
2. xOS 2 Exoskeleton
- Chhin, Kevin: 1. Deep
Brain Stimulation
2. Rehabilitation
with functional electronic stimulation
- Myette, Brian: 1. Knee
Replacement Options (The Attune Knee)
2. Hand
neural prothetics
- Havas, Jessica: 1. Verisante
2. The
ReWalk® System
- Waweru, Tracy: 1. Chewing
gum dagnostic test for malaria
2. Research
on epilepsy
- Lennon, Thomas: 1. Ultrasound
2. Colon
cancer imaging
- Murphy, Kevin: 1. Regeneration
of a human finger
2. Methods
of administering medication
- Butera, Angelo: 1. Injury
prevention in the NFL
2. Iron
- Sladen, Stephen: 2. Useable
biomaterials in dental implants
Fall 2011 Guest Speaker (Sections 1&2):
Fall 2011 Wednesday (Section 1):
- Andrew McNaught: 1. Biomarkers
, 2. Hemodialysis
- Brooke McCarthy: 1. Neural stem cells to
treat diseases of the central nervous system
, 2. Flex-Foot
- Christopher DeSanto: 1. Deep brain
stimulation with Parkinsonâs disease
, 2. The
Nuva Ring ®
- Connor Walsh: 1. Skin tissue engineering
2. Non-ablative skin rejuvenation
- Courtney Medeiros: 1. Myoelectric
2. Coronary stents
- Dana Demers: 1. Stroke rehabilitation
engineering: robotic therapy
2. Spinal cord stimulation
- George Douleh: 1. Capsule endoscopy
2. Computed Tomography (CT Scan)
- John Rawls: 1. Carbon nanotubes catch
2. Growing blood vessels
- Jonathan Lloyd: 1. Vaccines
, 2 Blood
- Kim Stephens: 1. Bone morphogenetic protein
2. Cariopulmonary bypass machine
- Kyle Gildea: 1. Insulin pumps
, 2. Arthroscope
- Michael DaSilva: 1. Organ printer
, 2. Tissue
- Prashil Patel: 1. MRI
2. Da-Vinci surgical system
- Rachel Le: 1. Microneedle array
, 2. Brain
aneurysm (using polymers)
- Riley Davis: 1. URI based research on
noninvasive electrical stimulation and epilepsy
2. Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Samuel Hastings: 1. Multiple sclerosis
and MuSmate
2. The human genome project
- Tyler Blake: 1. Brain-computer interface
2. Skipping the beat
Fall 2011 Tuesday (Section 2):
- Aleksey Gladkov: 1. Artificial neural
2. Memristors - memory resistors
- Erik Simpanen: 1. Artificial hearts and
2. Root-form endosseous implants
- Evan Lum: 1. Radiation exposure from X-ray
and CT scan procedures
SMaRT replacement therapy
- Iona Ross: 1. The bionic ear
, 2. Duchenne
muscular dystrophy and utrophin
- Joe Cullen: 1. Biochip
2. Telescopic implants
- John Krauss: 1. Eye on the prize
, 2. The
American football helmet and concussions
- Julia Shannon: 1. Transcranial magnetic
2. Artificial blood vessels from a 3D
- Megan French: 1. Skin grafting
2. Coronary stents
- Melissa Andrews: 1. Retinopathy of
2. Tissue engineering of the heart
- Nathan Bartels: 1. CyberKnife noninvasive
radiosurgery system
2. March of the exoskeleton
- Oluwaseun Ijaduola: 1. The da Vinci
surgical system
2. CT Angiography
- Preston Steele: 1. Neuromuscular
2. The hug machine - deep pressure
- Ron Greene: 1. Cotton candy capillaries
2. 3D bio-imaging on a molecular scale
- Ryan McDonough: 1. Prosthetic arm
, 2. Metal
- Stephen Sladen: 1. Glaucoma monitoring
- Steven McLellan: 1. MRI imaging
2. Nanotechnology in medicine
- Tylor Cole: 1. Dialysis for kidney disease
2. Stroma Laser:âA (Brown) Eye for a (Blue)
- Vathana Ngeth: 1. Heart valves for
congenital heart disease patients
2. Intrauterine device (IUD)
- Veronica Frattaroli: 1. Electrocardiogram
2. Artificial knees
Fall 2009 Seminar abstracts:
- Adam Silva: 1. Environmental control unit,
2. staSafe.
- Amanda Neves: 1. ReWalk robotic suit,
2. Titanium - the leading structural
- Andrew Dunne: 1. HeartAssist 5 left
ventricular assist device (LVAD), 2. Nanobees.
- Andrew Seitler: 1. Photoluminescence of
colloidal quantum dots and qubits, 2.
Floating point processors for artificial neurons.
- Brandon Brunelle: 1. Exoskeletons,
2. Nuclear medicine.
- Cal Knowles: 1. Brain pacemakers, 2. Integrated
blood-barcode chip.
- Courtney Dulude: 1. Stem cells and
cancer research, 2. MyoGel and
breast regrowth.
- David Kennedy: 1. Electric bandage, 2.
Pill endoscop.
- Donna Salamey: 1. Olaparib, 2. Synthetic
biodegradable polymers.
- Erica Duncanson: 1. Celox â a hemostatic
agent, 2. Improved chondroitinase ABC
- Gabriel Ausfresser: 1. Nanodiamonds,
2. Modified osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis
- Justin Martin: 1. INTEGRA dermal
regeneration template, 2. Artificial
- Kasey Tipping: 1. Breathing pacemaker,
2. Hydrogels.
- Kevin Sylvestre: 1. Brain controlled
robots, 2. Freitas's microbivore.
- Kyle Rafferty: 1. Magnetic resonance force
microscopy (MRFM), 2. Coronary stents.
- Laurie Roberts: 1. Nanoparticle
technology in cancer care, 2. LiquiBand.
- Matthew Sampson: 1. Hydroxyapatite-reinforced
Composite, 2. Targeted reinnervation.
- Nishat Hossain: 1. Interfacing
semiconductor quantum dots and nerve cells, 2.
Micromachine for implantable drug delivery.
- Timothy Alberg: 1. âTongue-o-Visionâ,
2. Tissue engineered blood vessels and
lightning induced blood vessels.
- Tonya Ruggieri: 1. Genetically-engineered
vaccine for peptic ulcers, 2. BioGlass:
uses in osteostimulation.
- Robert Farley: 1. I-Limb by Touch
Bionics, 2. Carticel by Genzyme.
- Ruba Hadidi: 1. Mosaic heart valve, 2.
Personalized medicine.
Fall 2008 Seminar abstracts:
- Alyssa Williams: 1. Cystic fibrosis,
2. Ultrasound.
- Andrew Westover: 1. FLARE
(fluorescence-assisted resection and exploration), 2. Integuseal®
microbial sealant .
- Brian Schaeffer: 1.
Chemotherapeutic Nanodiamonds, 2. Artificial
- Brendan Murphy: 1. Organ printing, 2.
Sleep walking.
- Chelsae Meier: 1. Alzheimerâs disease and
the Alzheimerâs Helmet therapy, 2. MyoSpareâ¢
StimuHeal Inc.
- Daniel Reinhard: 1. TAXUS® Liberté®
coronary stent system, 2. Medtronic
Hall Easy-Fit mechanical heart valve.
- David Dionisopoulos: 1. Memory
restoration, 2. Childhood obesity.
- David Pancarowicz: 1. CoolPathâ¢ablation
system, 2. Strkyer Scorpio⢠NRG knee
- Eric Frattura: 1. Bionic contact lens,
2. Camera pill.
- Erin LaBarge: 1. Lokomat®, 2. OP-1®
- Grace Lynch: 1. 3D ultrasound probes,
2. Artificial mucus.
- Irving Azor: 1. Verichip, 2. The
Cheetah Flex Foot.
- Jonathan Fortunati: 1. Brain computer
interface, 2. Iontophoresis.
- Kristin Meader: 1. PediBooster right
heart failure model, 2. Abiomed
- Kyle Waterman: 1. CD Horizon®
Legacy⢠sinal system, 2. CD Horizon®
Legacy⢠spinal system.
- Matin Amani: 1. Pyrosequencing, 2. The
Gamma knife.
- Michael Giuliano: 1. CardioWestâ¢
temporary total artificial heart, 2.
Tree man.
- Michael Tamayo: 1. Digital tattoo interface,
2. Bose kinematic spine simulator.
- Minori Keefe: 1. Neurophysiology of dreams,
2. Nucleus® Freedom⢠cochlear implant
- Nicholas Ferrer: 1. 2. Deep brain
stimulation: Parkinson's disease.
- Ryan Andrews: 1. Neurostimulation and DBS
therapy, 2. The Beampath® CO2 laser
- Sarah Schlatter: 1. Epicel skin grafts,
2. The Meniett low pressure pulse generator.
- Vishnuteja Devalla: 1. Stem cells, 2.
Artificial heart.
Fall 2007 Seminar abstracts:
- Afeez Olalekan: 1. MC3 artificial lung,
2. Great batch.
- Babak Mohammad Ossia: 1. Understanding MRI,
2. The X-ray production.
- Craig Harly: 1. Artificial heart valves as
treatment for valvular heart disease, 2. The
Bjork-Shiley heart valve.
- Elizabeth Patnode: 1. Da Vinci surgical
system: bariatric surgery, 2. Gardasil:
the fight against HPV.
- James Brien: 1. Drug delivery system,
2. A blood pressure feedback control system.
- Kyle Torres: 1. Lasik eye surgery, 2. Sleep
- Matthew Young: 1. Noise enhanced
technology incorporation into movement controlled toys, 2. Olfaction.
- Patrick Carberry: 1. Stem cells, 2. Skin
cells made to mimic embryonic stem cells.
- Rebecca Boduch: 1. Electroactive polymers,
2. Artificial knees - Zimmer gender
- Sarika Saran: 1. DNA computers, 2. Blood
- William Roman: 1. Silicon optical
microresonator based biosensors, 2. Ethical
questions raised by nanotechnology.
Fall 2006 Seminar abstracts:
- Allison O'Malley: 1. Orthopedic Neobladder,
2. Medical shunt/valve for regulation of
body fluids.
- Andrew Burke: 1. Through-controlled
prosthetics, 2. Optical manipulation.
- Christian Apollon: 2. Robotic
- Kristin Lane: 1. Artificial retina,
2. Heart valves from stem cells.
- Curtis Richard: 1. magnatic resonance
imaging, 2. Narrow band UVB
- Eric Butkus: 2. HAL-5 - hybrid assistive
- Graeme O'Connell: 1. Cox Max II.
- Hamed Lahijani: 1. Electronic tongue,
2. Nanotechnology virus detection laser.
- Jenna Lipka: 1. Breathing pacemaker,
2. Vagus nerve stimulation therapy.
- Jenna Marcus: 1. PRESTIAGE cervical disc,
2. Heart valves grown from amniotic stem
- Jeremy Brousseau: 1. Forensic sciences:
AccuTOF DART direct analysis, 2. Ultrasonic
stent coating.
- Jeremy Helbig: 2. Umdilical cord stem
cell banking.
- Louis Chen: 1. Nanograft technology.
- Kristina Bruen: 1. BIO593 project,
2. EndoSure wireless AAA pressure
measurement system.
- Maria Cieslewski: 1. Bionic eyes, 2. Biomedical
- Matthew Gallagher: 1. SMSI glucose
monitoring system, 2. Ultra voice.
- Peter Schiffman: 1. Pillcam capsule
endoscopy, 2. LouseBuster.
- Rebekah Wigton: 1. Positron emission
tomography / Computerized tomography (PET/CT), 2. AIR2
using the Alair System for bronchial thermoplasty.
- Richa Gujarati: 1. Cochlear implant, 2.
Neurally controlled animat: biological brains
acting with stimulated bodies.
- Ryan Zaczynski: 1. Versatile
microcontroller algorithms using myoelectric control, 2. s.
- Tanios BouRamia: 1. Plastination, 2. 15
minute BioChip assay.
- Whitney Capwell: 1. BIO593
project, 2. Activa control therapy
- Whitney Michalek: 1. Bio-shirt, 2. CoreControl.
- Zack Weber: 1. Bioethics, 2. Artifficial
Fall 2005 Seminar abstracts:
- Andre Doyon: 1. Sprint feet, 2. Artificial
- Andrew Aubee: 1. VANCall 5, 2. Laser-induced
interstitial thermo therapy.
- Armen Donoian: 1. Electronic brain
stimulation, 2. Magnetic resonance
- Dave Marcus: 1. Ultrasonic wearable system,
2. BioLase.
- Dave Segala: 1. Epicardial strains in
normal passive mouse left ventricle, 2. Calculating
strains from tagged MRI.
- Emily Santurri: 1. Tonsillectomy: CO2
lasers, 2. Indepedence iBOT 4000
mobility system.
- Garrett Whitney: 1. LASIK, 2. Heart-lung
- Matt Kastan: 1. Plethysmography, 2. Smart
- Robert Shultz: 1. Artificial retina,
2. Vagus nerve stimulation therapy.
- Shaun Russell: 1. Breathing pacemaker,
2. BrainGate assistive technology.
Fall 2004 Seminar abstracts:
- Aaron Ball: 1. Artificial retina, 2. Cancer
- Andrew Greene: 1. Rotodynamic blood pump,
2. Vagus nerve stimulation.
- Bethany Therrien: 1. Treatment of
neurological disorders by ESB, 2. Electrolarynx
device controlled by EMG.
- Christopher Mackenzie: 1. Shockwave
lithotripsy, 2. Needle technology.
- Christopher Patty: 1. Bionic eyes, 2.
Robot-assisted surgery.
- David Flanagan: 1. Photodynamic therapy,
2. Clot-promoting bandages.
- Erin Dworkin: 1. Electronic knee joint
system, 2. Artificial hippocampus.
- Jonothan Kurowski: 1. Advances in
imaging, 2. The fist true bionic arm.
- Meghan Fahey: 1. Implntable cardiac
defibrillator, 2. Digital mammography.
- Nick Samos: 1. Electronic tongue, 2. Quantum
- Nicole Normandin: 1. Platelet
concentration systems, 2. Anterior
lumbar interbody fusion cages.
- Rajesh Ramsingh: 1. Artificial heart valve,
2. AbioCor artificial heart.
- Shannon Maio-Cannon: 1. Biothermal
electric battery, 2. Aortic root
- Suchismita Datta: 1. Of Mice & Men,
2. Gene chip.
- Zac Canders: 1. Artificial lung, 2. Portable
dialysis machine.
Fall 2003 Seminar abstracts:
- Amy Wright: 1. Hysterosonography, 2. Blood
and IV fluid infusion warmers.
- Brent Marsden: 1. Dermal regeneration
template, 2. Kidney dialysis.
- Christina Drake: 1. BioHemostat, 2.
Vibrating insoles: balabce control in
elderly people.
- Christopher Pizza: 1. Neural
interface, 2. Posthetic hand.
- Evelina Ruszkowski: 1. Bionic ear, 2.
Artificial bladders.
- Frank Breau: 1. Bionic eye, 2. Diaphrgm
pacing system.
- Gabrielle Murphy: 1. Iontophoresis,
2. Bioengineered bandages.
- Gary Comtois: 1. Light activated switch,
2. Myelography.
- James Finneran: 1. AlphaCor artificial
cornea, 2. Artificial joint replacement.
- Jeb McCluskey: 1. Blood substitutes.
- Kathleen Cooper: 1. UltraVoice, 2. Artificial
heart valves.
- Kimberly Peloquin: 1. Next-generation
artifical lungs, 2. Humanoids.
- Sareh Rajaee: 1. Electronic tongue, 2.
Laser refractory eye surgery.
- Stephen Furlani: 1. Respiratory assistance
devices, 2. SB Charite III disc
- Tanyn Boulay: 1. Imaging capsule, 2. Hyperbaric
oxygen therapy.
- Thomas Harrington: 1. Bone graft, 2. Nanotechnology.
Fall 2002 Seminar abstracts:
- Anna Wagner: 1. Brain-computer interface,
2. Electroporation therapy.
- Brian Lavoie: 1. Pulmonary drug delivery,
2. Artificial disc replacement.
- Dan Schaefer: 1. Xenotransplantation, 2.
Bionic ear.
- Dan Kelsay: 1. Osseoinegration, 2. Spatial
image processing chip.
- Ellaine Abueg: 1. Ultrasound technology,
2. Glucose testing.
- John Coughlin: 1. Vascular grafts, 2. Laparoscopic
- John DiCecco: 1. Brain-implantable neural
prosthetics, 2. Heart rate variability.
- Meghan Collins: 1. Electroconvulsive
therapy, 2. Fetal tissue
- Shyla Booker: 1. , 2. Osteogenic protein
- Thomas Cavaliere: 1. Catheter ablation
therapy, 2. Magnetic navigation systems.
- Tim Swaby: 1. Skin substitutes, 2. Theracardia:
Fall 2001 Seminar abstracts:
Fall 2000 Seminar abstracts: