DC measurements, natural and step response of first- and second-order circuits,
AC measurements, impulse and frequency response, operational amplifier circuits.
This course is usually taken concurrently with
ELE 212
Linear Circuit Theory.
Basic information for Spring 2025:
Instructor: Prof. Peter F. Swaszek,
492 Fascitelli Center
Office hours: face-to-face MWF 10:00-10:50, virtual TBD
Recitation: Fri 2:00-2:50 PM, Edwards Aud.
Lab periods: 2 hour slot on Monday or Friday, Bliss Hall
- Details on how the course works will be presented during the recitation on Friday
Jan. 24 at 2 PM
- Lab sessions start the week of Jan 27
Useful links:
Generic URI syllabus
Table by Due Date
Weekly materials:
- Week of Jan 24-26:
- Recitation 1:
- Jan 24 - intro to the course; overview of the lab bench equipment
Link to the recitation slides
- PreLab 1 - several questions relevant to Lab 1:
- You do this exercise individually
- This online PreLab is worth 10 points
- It is graded immediately and automatically
- The interface allows you to correct errors and resubmit, but for decreasing value
- Access to this PreLab closes at 5 PM on Friday Jan 31
- No late submissions accepted !!
Link to the PreLab
- Benchtop equipment information:
- Digital multimeter:
measuring voltage,
measuring resistance,
measuring capacitance,
short version of the manual,
full user manual
- Signal generator
short version of the manual,
full user manual
- Scope:
the controls,
the gui,
saving data,
full user manual
- Power supply:
short version of the manual,
full user manual
- Week of Jan 27-Feb 2:
- Lab 1 in Bliss Hall (room 320 or 380 depending upon your section):
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 40 points
- The summary is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Feb 5 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 24 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Feb 12;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date
Link to the pairs list
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 2:
- Jan 31 - background on the circuit for Lab 2; soldering overview
- Links to some URI soldering videos (via panopto):
- Links to some web info:
Link to the recitation slides
- PreLab 2 - none
- PreLab 3 - none
- Weeks of Feb 3-16:
- Lab 2 in Bliss Hall:
- You do this exercise individually
- We allocate 2 weeks to this exercise with one-half of the students
building the circuit each week
- A completely correct summary report is worth 50 points
- The summary is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Feb 19 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 30 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Feb 26;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date
Link to a list showing which week you attend the lab
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Lab 3 - MatLab programming:
- You do this exercise individually
- A correctly working program is worth 75 points
- The program is due by 5:00 PM on Wednesday Apr 16 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions will not be accepted
Link to the instructions
- Shells for the 3 functions:
resistor network,
word game, and
palindromic numbers
- Recitations 3 and 4:
- Feb 7 - using MatLab in ECBE courses
- Feb 14 - more on MatLab, including simulation
Link to the recitation slides
- Need some more review? I can recommend Phil Parisi's youtube
(a former URI student)
- PreLab 4 - a resistor puzzle preparing you for Lab 4
- You do this exercise individually
- This online PreLab is worth 25 points
- It is graded immediately and automatically
- The interface allows you to correct errors and resubmit, but for decreasing value
- Access to this PreLab closes at 9 AM on Wednesday Feb 19
- No late submissions accepted !!
Link to the instruction
Link to your specific component values and the submission page
- Week of Feb 17-23:
- Lab 4 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 50 points
- The summary is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Feb 26 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 30 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Mar 5;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date
Link to the pairs list
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 5:
- Feb 21 - real op amps; using the scope as a measurement tool
Link to the recitation slides
- PreLab 5 - none
- PreLab 6 - none
- Week of Feb 24-Mar 2:
- Lab 5 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 75 points
- The summary is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Mar 5 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 45 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Mar 19;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date.
Link to the pairs list
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Lab 6 - circuit analysis and simulation:
- You do this exercise individually
- You have until the end of spring break to complete this exercise
- Your submission consists of two parts;
both are due by 5 PM on Monday Mar 17
(no late submissions accepted!!)
- The first part, results from a circuit analysis, is worth 20 points and
is submitted using the online tool (like PreLabs 1 and 4);
your answers are graded immediately and automatically;
the online tool allows for corrections, but at decreasing value
- The second part, a simulation, is worth 55 points and consists of a summary
sheet with additional graphs submitted via Brightspace;
do part 1 first so
that you can check the accuracy of your simulation results
Link to the instructions
Link to your parameters and for submitting the analysis answers
Link to the summary page; you will need ot print your own; submission instructions can be found
- Recitation 6:
- Feb 28 - Bode plots - meeting is cancelled
Link to a short video on what to do for lab 7
Link to the recitation slides
- PreLab 7 - none
- Week of Mar 3-16:
- Lab 7 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 75 points
- The summary is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Mar 19 via BrightSpace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 45 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Mar 26;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date.
Link to the pairs list and specific component values
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 7:
- Mar 7 - no class meeting - enjoy your spring break
Link to a video recording of recitation slides from last week to prepare you for Lab 8
- PreLab 8 - preparing for Lab 8
Link to the instruction
- This PreLab is worth 10 points toward the Lab 8 score
- It is graded as part of the summary report
- You must show a paper copy of this Bode plot to the
TA at the beginning of your lab session (during the first 10 minutes)
- Late copies will not be accepted !!
- Week of Mar 17-23:
- Lab 8 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with your partner from Lab 7 again
- A completely correct summary report is worth 100 points
(including the 10 PreLab points)
- The summary plus the Bode plot of results
is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Mar 26 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 60 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Apr 2;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date.
Link to the pairs list and specific component values
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 8:
- Mar 21 - more on Bode plots
Link to the recitation slides
- PreLab 9 - preparing for Lab 9
- You do this exercise individually
- This online PreLab is worth 20 points
- It is graded immediately and automatically
- The interface allows you to correct errors and resubmit, but for decreasing value
- Access to this PreLab closes at 9 AM on Monday Mar 24
- No late submissions accepted !!
Link to the instruction
Link to the submission page
- As noted in the instructions, you will also be expected to show a paper copy
of the Bode plot for this week's circuit to the
TA at the beginning of your lab session (during the first 10 minutes);
this will be graded as part of your
summary repprt; late copies will not be accepted
- Week of Mar 24-30:
- Lab 9 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 80 points
separate from the PreLab (i.e. PreLab plus Lab total 100 points)
- The summary page plus the Bode plot of results
is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Apr 2 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 48 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Apr 9;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date.
Link to the pairs list and specific component values
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 9:
- Mar 28 - parasitic effects
Link to the recitation slides
- PreLab 10 - preparing for Lab 10
- This PreLab is worth 10 points toward the total Lab 10 grade (so is
not graded separately)
Link to the instruction
- You will be expected to show a paper copy of this Bode plot to the
TA at the beginning of your lab session (during the first 10 minutes);
late copies will not be accepted
- Week of Mar 31 - Apr 6:
- Lab 10 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 100 points including the 10 PreLab points
- The summary page plus the Bode plot of results
is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Apr 9 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 60 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Apr 16;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date.
Link to the pairs list and specific component values
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 10:
- Apr 4 - more on op amps (no class meeting; this short presentation is pre-recorded)
Link to the recitation slides
Link to the slides with voiceover
- PreLab 11 - preparing for Lab 11
- You do this exercise individually
- This online PreLab is worth 20 points
- It is graded immediately and automatically
- The interface allows you to correct errors and resubmit, but for decreasing value
- Access to this PreLab closes at 9 AM on Monday Apr 7
- No late submissions accepted !!
Link to the instruction
Link to the PreLab
- As noted in the instructions, you will also be expected to show a paper copy
of the Bode plot for this week's circuit to the
TA at the beginning of your lab session (during the first 10 minutes);
this will be graded as part of your
summary repprt; late copies will not be accepted
- Week of Apr 7-13:
- Lab 11 in Bliss Hall:
- You work with another student on this exercise
- A completely correct summary report is worth 80 points
separate from the PreLab (i.e. PreLab plus Lab total 100 points)
- The summary page plus the Bode plot of results
is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Apr 16 via Brightspace;
submission instructions can be found
- Late submissions, discounted 40% (i.e reduced to a maximum of 48 points),
can be submitted via a second Brightspace link until 5 PM on Apr 23;
submissions will not be accepted after this second date.
Link to the pairs list and specific component values
Link to the instructions
Link to the summary page; paper copies will be available in the lab rooms
- Recitation 11:
- Apr 11 - the "Black Box" - please attend, with your envisioned team mate, to
pick up your box
Link to the recitation slides
- Week of Apr 14-20:
- Lab 12 in Bliss Hall:
- You can choose your own partner; however, no more than 2 students
per box
- You have the rest of the semester to complete this work
- Your submission consists of two parts:
- The first part, results on the resistance values and the relationship
of the colored terminals, is worth 25 points and due by 9 AM on
Monday Apr 21 using the online tool;
your answers are graded immediately and automatically;
the online tool allows for corrections, but at decreasing value
- The second part, a report that fully identifies your box's
contents and explains why your believe that, is worth an additional
100 points and is due by 5 PM on Wednesday Apr 30
(no late submissions accepted!!)
- See the slides from recitation 11 (link above) for the instructions
Link for submitting the initial analysis
- Recitation 12:
- Week of Apr 21-27:
- Lab 12 continues in Bliss Hall:
- Recitation 13:
- Week of Apr 28-Apr 30:
- No activities this week - limited lab access to finish the Black Box
- The lab room, Bliss 320, will be open for a few hours in case you
need additional lab time; hours will be posted here later in the
- The final deadline for all work is 5 PM on Wednesday Apr 30